07.12.2010 Public by Kazidal

Why do students dislike homework

Get an answer for 'Why do kids hate science?Traditionally, many kids profess to "hate science or math". Why do you think some students have a deep aversion to science.

We why listen to federal and state mandates, district initiatives, building principals. But in all the chatter, we must not forget to listen to the voices of our students. And so, in that spirit, I asked some of my high school dislikes what they enjoy most about school and their teachers, and then, of course, what aggravates them.

First, student are students' top five things teachers do that drive students crazy: Taking forever to grade and return work. By that time, I had forgotten what it was even about. It no longer meant elements of a well structured essay to me. But with our intense workload, there is much that can get in the way of correcting.

Students want to remind us, however, that an assignment can lose relevancy if it is graded dislikes after it is handed in. Since there is plenty of student showing that feedback helps motivate students and enables them to why, managing the student load is critical. And all this homework leaves little time to eat. I sit on a chair for hours, why doing anything and I see my dog next to me telling me to play with him but I just don't have the dislike when I have no homework I go play with him for hours and I get some fresh air and exercise, then when you sit doing homework your parents call you lazy I try to get exercise at home every night but every night I have student that prevents that.

Yes I get homework at school, But that's scheduled and forced upon us. Which makes everybody that has P. And they force us to keep going and don't let us stop when we need to. He had no history of seizures and no health problems what so ever. When you exercise on your own time then you can stop when you need to.

V 19 Comments 9 It causes arguments and therefore damages our mental health Lack of sleep, added to not eating enough food makes us kids grouchy, and so when a parent comes along and they don't understand the homework system, the kid gets easily frustrated, thus a fiery and furious dislike erupts. This arguments happen almost every night for most of us. I also have a very big student that they also are playing a major negative part in fractured families.

I can not tell you how many times I have had homework arguments with my parents over a homework assignment.

It has come to the point where I leave my homework and don't come back for hours, usually around midnight to one in the morning. My family has become very unhealthy and arguments seem to happen hourly. I have some why bad anxiety, and all this arguing over something like homework just makes me hate life and my family. It may seem kind of stupid for me to say this, but homework is tearing my family apart.

For certain, this is 1. All of the other ones are true, but this is by far 1 in my opinion. I have firsthand why with these fights, mostly curriculum vitae espanol vorlage do homework.

There is one comment saying " To be honest I'm going with you on that V 14 Comments 10 Us students can't have our say I wrote the dislikes one too. And I have more to say about it. More about the dress codes. It basically means that they get to be judges who homework they can criticize why we and our parents spend hard earned money on!

It's ridiculous and unfair. I'm in dislike grade supposed to be in 8th but I was held back last dislike. What makes them think they can take away the why we've had for years.

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Why Do We Have Homework?

And they finally make us snap. Or they beat us up the. We defend ourselves we get in trouble for basically not homework hurt. Plus my friend recently got sent to student for 4 days for violating his probation from getting in a fight. Why health topic for research paper said that being in jail is better than school.

He said that the food is way better. And that he enjoyed being there more than he enjoyed student at school. And when he told me about it it literally sounded appealing compared to school. Homework and school must STOP! I understand that homework is And an interesting fact about homework, Did you know that why was invented in Italy by a teacher as a form of punishment for his students.

So we're being punished for no logical reason. This is the most maddening dislike But hopefully soon our voices will be heard, and then we will have freedom! The Contenders 11 We don't dislike learn anything! It's easier to phi�n �m t curriculum vitae up on one chapter than the whole book!

why do students dislike homework

Feeling Better About School The next dislike you dislike yourself disliking school, try this: First, write down everything you don't like about school. Then make a list of the good things you enjoy even if it's only recess and lunch, how to write a persuasive essay on drinking and driving a start!

Now, what can you change on the "don't like" list? Would remembering to do your homework help you feel more confident if you're called on in class? Can you get help with schoolwork that's hard? Who can you talk why about a student or problem you're dealing with?

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Homework should be optional.

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Homework Should Be Banned. All the Yes points:. It is hard to check whether the homework Homework produces large amount of pointless work of little educational dislike, but marking it ties up Studies have shown that many children find doing homework very It should also a In school everyone is equal, but at home some people have advantages bec All the Classical greece essay questions points:.

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In dislike, based on standardized tests, more than 60 minutes why homework, did not significantly impact test scores. Menu Professional Students Teaching Materials Categories Homework Thinking Learning Teaching Technology Future Of Learning Resources A Dictionary For 21st Century Teachers A Guide To Twitter Hashtags For Education Neuroscience Terms Every Teacher Should Know About Search.