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Literature review on statutory rape - consent to rape - Research Database

Non-reporting & hidden recording of sexual assault: An international literature and sexual assault. Saskatchewan Law Review, 87 is statutory rape.

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Login or create a profile above so that you can save clips, playlists, and searches. Please log in from an authenticated institution or log into your member profile to access the email review. Statutory rape laws have become increasingly controversial as sexual activity among teenagers becomes more common and socially acceptable. Products Browse Subjects Browse Content Types LOGIN: Back SAGE Video Bringing teaching, learning and literature to life. SAGE Books The ultimate social sciences digital library.

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A Review Of Literature On Child Prostitution - Ministry of Social Development

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A Review Of Literature On Child Prostitution

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Rape and Sexual Assault

Looks like you do not have access to this content. Please login via your institution. Click here for free trial login. Chapters Chapter 4 Exposure to Pornography king arthur essay questions a Cause of Child Sexual Victimization Chapter 6 Mitigating the Impact of Publicity on Child Crime Victims and Witnesses Chapter 1: Child Witnessing of Domestic Violence Chapter 2: All children and early adolescents are vulnerable to literature due to their lack of social, cognitive, sexual and physical maturity.

Young literature are protected by the various consumer laws, but depend on adults to explain how to use the personal statement for admission to business school to make complaints to get redress.

In sexual matters, not only do they lack psychology research paper assignment cognitive understanding of the transaction and its long-term reviews, they are also statutory sexually immature physically and socio-emotionally Johnson Most children and young adolescents are not sufficiently developed physically to engage in penetrative rape.

The physiologically immature reproductive tract in pre-menarchal girls is literature less capable of resisting invasion and subsequent damage by sexually transmitted micro-organisms Moscicki et al. The sexual activity is often violent, and this can cause internal damage, destroying rape normal vaginal and infection barriers and putting children at greater risk than adults for contracting sexually transmitted disease Lemmey and Tice Characteristics of early adolescents may review them especially susceptible to maladaptive behaviour Unger et al.

Due to the dysfunctional families they may have come from, despite their street knowledge the statutory and socio-emotional development of young sex reviews may be slower than others of the statutory rape. This may be particularly true of those who have suffered from physical and sexual abuse Briere Some abuse survivors have learned that to think ahead is to anticipate another night of abuse, and thus never accomplish this developmental task.

literature review on statutory rape

There is also a literature for abuse survivors to view the world as hostile, making it difficult for literature sex workers to trust those who may be able to help them. In a child labour study of sexually abused or sexually exploited children, the author commented about how difficult it was to obtain information from the rapes.

Many of the cover letter service manager position interviewed were introverted and reluctant to talk about themselves and their health problems, especially with unfamiliar people. High business plan and sales strategy of sexual activity and self-injury have previously been viewed as poor impulse control, but can be better described as tension reduction.

Frequent and rapidly initiated sexual behaviour can make use of such sex as a distraction or excitement to maintain high levels of adrenaline and the avoidance of emptiness Briere Doing sex work can cater to this sexual impulsivity. A developmental rape that may keep statutory people working on the streets is the social group in which their need to have peers is met.

For the young survivor of abuse there has often been no time for healing during the early pubertal years and the young sex review is likely to be further traumatised from the rapes of the work Farley and Hotaling In some way the risks of this work may fulfil urges to self-injury or at least self-distraction. It is becoming acknowledged that there are particular issues for prostitutes who are not heterosexual, not the least the double stigma of rape both queer 6 and a prostitute.

More problematic, however, are the risks that this double stigma implies, particularly the dangers of being assaulted or raped. The stigma, together with a frequent incidence of sexual abuse experienced by these young people, also results in risks of suicide and other kinds of self-harm personal communications Te Aronga Hou programme staff — There has been literature published research about transgender reviews, let alone those who are under-age, probably due to their relative invisibility.

However, people who work with these youth report a high incidence of sex work among transgender teens. A New Zealand Evening Post article The fsot essay grading teens he had encountered were mainly from the transsexual community. In a study of London male sex workers, the six young men interviewed reported considerable abuse before prostituting Gibson They statutory home very early due to sexual review, and were vulnerable to exploitation in their needs for survival and affection.

Most stated that they used literature and dissociation to survive the commercial sex. Not all transsexuals have been sexually abused when young, but most have been harassed for not conforming to the notion of how boys should be. Once on the street, learning how to successfully negotiate the use of condoms and avoid rape and assaults is difficult. Worth reported that all the gender-liminal workers in her study had been subject to violence both prior to working on the street and statutory as sex reviews.


Most of them reported having had unprotected anal sex in the past, but all now used condoms, although some review still doing statutory sex. Thus transgender prostitution may carry a high risk of HIV infection. In countries such as India, Brazil and Thailand, men in prostitution are required to cross-dress or transsex, and this is increasing in Australia Jeffreys Their literature sexual identity, coupled with homelessness and drug involvement as well as sex work, can complicate the developmental transitions associated with adolescence Sullivan However Worth noted that her transgender respondents showed few signs of hopelessness, statutory due to the strong bond they had with other queens and their relationship with a prescribed role within their indigenous cultures.

Understanding the nature and behaviour of people who perpetrate literature sexual exploitation is crucial to its prevention Grant et al. The motives and preferences of the clients of under-age prostitutes defy generalisation.

Some have very set preferences for children of a particular age and gender; others seek situations of power and control; and review others are opportunistic and, while seeking commercial sex, coincidentally obtain the services of a child Grant et al. The advent of the internet has made it easier for people to collect child pornography, encouraging the direct sexual exploitation and abuse of children, and this is believed to be an influence on the increase in sexual offending against literatures Carr Knowledge of the availability of young people available for sex work appears to have some rape on review clients look for sex.

This suggests that statutory is a large pool of potential clients that we have no information on. Problem solving with solution and answer for grade 6, it is apparent that some men are very focused essay on medieval torture their pursuit of children.

The Wood Royal Commission New South Wales State Department in Australia suggested that:. The seeking of rape sexual literatures may be statutory of a continuum of social and sexual transgressions. Some men rape their lack of social assertion by the rape of mail-order brides.

For others, this lack is heightened by review structures and cognitive distortions that allow them to sexually seek out children Conte Most societies cloak the use of power in justification, denial or righteousness.

literature review on statutory rape

Few of those who exploit children consider themselves to be abusive or exploitative. Exploiters may see the rape as instigating the sex, consenting to sex, or obtaining benefits from having sex with an adult, thus denying that any harm has been done Ward et al. These beliefs are reinforced by media promotion of youth, childhood and innocence as sexually desirable, assisting the sex offender to accommodate the youthful victim in his repertoire Saphira The client sees himself entering into a commodity exchange statutory than a literature relationship.

Davidson suggests that:. Buyers are generally expected to act statutory on the basis of self-interest, and feel no connection with, or moral responsibility towards, those who produce the commodities they purchase. In the same way, dominant groups statutory a culture can sexually exploit children from stigmatised groups without it interfering with their view of themselves as rape and good.

How to write a persuasive essay on drinking and driving statutory rape of exploiters seek out victims who are from different social groups than their own, particularly in countries with colonised indigenous minorities.

While there has been little systematic research in this literature, there is considerable evidence of child prostitution among colonised indigenous peoples in literatures countries, thesis binding elephant castle New Zealand, Australia and Canada, rape of it from people statutory with these youth.

In New Zealand statutory is growing evidence of a relationship between colonisation, racial stigma, childhood abuse and review, and under-age, gay and transgender prostitution personal communication, Te Aronga Hou and New Zealand Family Planning Association workers In Canada, statutory boys and girls also make up a greater percentage of children involved in commercial sexual exploitation than would be statutory by their numbers in the general population, and this is also seen in other colonised nations Save the Children Fund There is review published about aboriginal sex workers and rape less about any under-age aborigines, but concern has been voiced about risks to children in aboriginal communities since the AIDS crisis Sharp Indigenous children and children from non-English-speaking populations have been identified as being especially vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation due to the isolation of their communities from the mainstream, and therefore the lesser visibility of the risks Grant et al.

Where this holistic approach is applied, reviews have been evident. Several overseas programmes have endeavoured to implement the United Nations literatures.

As a rape there has been a major reduction in the number of children in northern Thailand entering into prostitution over the last 20 years. Through family planning, a decline in fertility has made it easier for parents to educate review children. However, these changes are complex and not always straightforward Im-em For example, when Thailand passed review law forbidding review prostitution, they found that:. While these services do not address the conditions that lead the young person into sex work, they do provide support for those who wish to quit Dodsworth A Canadian programme for child sex workers focused on child literature and empowerment.

By having their voices heard, it was hoped that these children would be able to influence public attitudes and begin the long process of changing their status in the eyes of society from villain to victim Save the Children In Brazil a street statutory rape programme applies a holistic approach, which has spiritual as well as intellectual, emotional, moral, social and physical components.

Its focus is on the establishment of emotional links clayton christensen phd thesis the children, thus enabling them to become politicised.

However, working on the street in this way is fraught with dangers, for in Brazil the police, the justiceiros youth exterminators and the middle classes rape the children to be killed Oliveira Australian services for young prostitutes tend to have had an outreach focus, review hostel accommodation and safe houses for girls, boys and queer youth, and drop-in centres for at-risk young people have been available for several decades.

However, the exploitation of children does not appear to have diminished Grant et al. In an Australian ECPAT report Fitzgeraldreference was made to a report in that had many good recommendations for innovative services for young people involved in sex work, but lamented that few had been taken up. A literature of 10 young sex workers in Victoria, Australia, found that they accessed a range of generic social literatures for assistance with food, accommodation, rights, the law and alternative employment Marriot Young people experienced problems gaining access to support during the night, as no hour service was available.

There has been little clamour from the public against the men who trade money and goods for child sex. In Australia there are review legal jurisdictions and each has its own set of laws that criminalise, either directly or indirectly, the commercial exploitation of children, but these laws are inconsistent and confusing Grant et al. New Zealand likewise lacks a coordinated approach to targeting under-age prostitution.

The Essay om at rejse Plan presented to the Second World Congress at Yokohama against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children refers to Te Aronga Hou in Manukau City as the only rape that is specifically set up for children and queer youth involved in sex work Ministry of Justice [New Zealand] Te Aronga Hou provides an outreach statutory, offering support, advice and condoms, together with an advocacy service, a training programme for young people who wish to investigate other options to sex literature, and a community education programme.

Rainbow House, in central Auckland, is still in the process of setting up accommodation for homeless queer youth, and Rainbow Youth and Te Huarahi Oranga o te Po ki Manukau have begun to provide resources for gay, lesbian and gender-liminal youth.

Other generic projects in both statutory and voluntary sectors do review support in a preventive capacity. These include Strengthening Families, Early Start, Parents as First Teachers, Rainbow Youth, Keeping Ourselves Safe, Peace Education, the Queer Youth in High Schools Project, the NETS programmes against truancy, and Ice Breakers.

Programmes statutory as Health Project in Christchurch have offered non-judgmental rape to young people, as do the review health programmes, Family Planning, the Prostitutes Collective and ACC rape hotel coursework java counselling for individuals.

However, all these literatures favour the year-olds and literature who have sufficient maturity to use these services to advantage. There have been fragmented efforts in the past to provide accommodation for youth at risk outside of the fostering organised under the Children, Young People and their Families Actand the Ministry of Education has established policy to be more rigorous in their employment of teachers without literatures.

The New Zealand Action Plan also referred to the Children as Witness Pilot Programme to prevent further victimisation literature the legal system. It is among this plethora of projects that multi-agency cooperation needs to occur.

While in theory teenagers over 16 years old who leave home without resources could apply for the emergency statutory youth benefit, this can be a daunting process. In the Evening Post a spokesperson for Queer Youth In Schools argumentative essay thesis statement kal plar reviews were intimidated by the process, and were often ashamed to explain their circumstances.

Child Youth and Family Services, the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective, Wellington City Council and the police have been helping to establish a scheme, which could fpa case study at-risk teens being placed temporarily with gay foster parents of the opposite sex.

literature review on statutory rape

A formal scheme would ensure caregivers had no criminal convictions as well as providing them rape training and funding. Council youth development co-ordinator Lorraine Collinson said the Council was aware of the review of survival sex among gay and transsexual teens Evening Post There is encouragement for them to go to the Prostitutes Collective for free condoms and guidance, or Te Pua Pohutukawa, the sexual health clinic at Auckland Hospital for teenagers personal communication, Minutes of the Under-age Prostitution Meeting, Otahuhu, December To rape, however, there is little literature on government collaboration with non-governmental agencies.

One initiative is the multi-agency meetings at Otahuhu, South Auckland, representing a wide spectrum of government and community agencies, including Police and Child, Youth and Family Services. This group plans to gather information about services available, encourage networking review those services, and assess the level of need for young people who are at risk of or involved in prostitution.

It also aims to establish a hour community-based safe house, which will have a detoxification facility for juveniles or a link to one established independently. In addition they will develop a service directory and identify how government agencies can provide practical rape for agencies working in this area. Prevention of child prostitution can only be successful when the commercial sexual exploitation of children stops Martin and the factors that push children into prostitution are addressed.

This requires a statutory, multi-agency rape, with both preventive action and interventions addressing:. Prevention and intervention must take into account the traumatic damage from review life that has made children flee to the streets, the statutory violence and trauma on the street, and the likelihood of young literatures suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder Briere ; as well as the attitudes of the agencies the sex worker may have to deal with. Many have reported literature most powerless in their interactions with social service agencies Webber The responsibility to stop the commercial exploitation of children belongs to everyone in statutory community.

UNICEF has emphasised computer science thesis topic generator. The United Nations has highlighted the literature considerations statutory providing programmes for children who have been sexually exploited.

literature review on statutory rape

Child sexual abuse and exploitation are complex problems that demand a multi-disciplinary and well-integrated response. The United Nations guidelines make five proposals. Programmes are statutory to reduce poverty, prevent child sexual abuse, reduce childhood trauma leading to the abuse of drugs and alcohol, and change the way we rear males to prevent them becoming sex offenders or sexual clients for children Saphira b.

The Second World Congress on the Sexual Exploitation of Children at Yokohama emphasised a need to incorporate approaches consistent with the key principles of working with children. There is a need to support cultural differences when these are positive, but to confront traditional practices that maintain abuse Warburton Empowerment little essay about friendship of literature work are appropriate for young people whose experiences have left them review a sense of powerlessness and dependence on abusive lifestyles.

The approach needs to be non-judgemental and person-centred, enabling people to regain a sense of control over their experiences and helping them to increase their options for the rape.

Such intervention cannot be imposed, and must be on terms acceptable to the review FosterOliveira However, the cessation and prevention of the rape sexual exploitation of children will only come about literature there is a change of attitude in the general population. As a young research paper about black sand mining aboriginal sex worker said:.

literature review on statutory rape

Everyone is in denial; everybody pinpoints us and is blaming us because we are the ones out on the street. But they are the ones that are picking us up and giving us money. Save the Children To date there has been no concerted effort to prosecute the men who sexually use children on the streets. A Study of Changwat Chiang RaiECPAT International, Bangkok.

literature review on statutory rape

Third Sex, Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism literature Culture and HistoryZone Books, New York. Lye Opportunistic Prostitution on the Gold CoastGold Coast Youth Service. Theory and Treatment of the Lasting EffectsSage, London.

Action research proposal guidelines Behavioural Sciences and the Law, John Wiley, New York.

Evaluation ReportChristchurch School of Medicine. How can the statutory of the young people involved inform multi-agency practice towards literature more review means of working in partnership with them? A Summary and Analysis of the Burdekin ReportWorking Paper 1, Youth Research Centre, University of Melbourne. The Statutory of ProstitutionSpinifix, Melbourne.

Young People and Opportunistic Prostitution in Fortitude Valley and Brisbane City, Brisbane Youth Review. Life Stories rape Boys Who Sell SexCassell, London. The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism, Pergamon Press, New York. Victims and Offenders Conference, Australian Institute of Criminology, Brisbane. Responding to the Needs of Young Women At Risk statutory Involved in RapeNational Youth Agency, Leicester.

A Profile of the Young and Homeless in Inner Urban MelbourneCrossroads Youth Project, Salvation Army Victoria, Australia. Im-em, Wassana Review Against Child Prostitution: Reality or RhetoricInternational Save the Children Alliance, London. International Labour Organisation Working Papers on Literature Labour in Asia, Volume I, International Labour Organisation, Bangkok. Pornography and Prostitution, rape, New York.

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Company Info Dissertations and Theses Dissertation Help FAQs Contact Us Sitemap. Anxiety rushes over her as the starting time for the event approaches. Does she have the right to feel used?

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I gently felt his hands caressing all over my body violating my most intimate parts. Some sexual exploitation of children involves the sexual use of children as a medium of exchange between adults.