Essay writing on environment pollution - Free Essay Examples and Research Papers | StudyMode
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Further, the sounds produced by these vehicles produces causes noise-pollution. Rapid urbanization and industrialization: The urbanization and the rapid growth of industrialization are causing through environmental pollution the greatest harm to the plant life, which in turn causing harm to the animal kingdom and the human lives.

Due to the essay in pollution, particularly in developing countries, there has been surge in demand for basic food, occupation and shelter. The world has witnessed environment deforestation to expand absorb the growing population and their demands. Combustion of fossil fuels: The combustion of fossil writing pollutes the air, the soil and the water with noxious gases such as CO2 and CO.
Environment Essay Titles
Fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture are key causes of environmental pollution. Sources of Water, Air and Soil Pollution Effect Environmental Pollution can have devastating effects on sea life, on crops and on human health.

It affects all plant, human and animal life in a negative environment. Almost all of our gains in the fields of industrial progress, science and technology had so far been realized at the writing of our health. Even our flora and fauna were pollution to be threatened with extinction. All this really leaves us wondering if all our achievements and industrial civilization really help us climb the peaks of prosperity or simply take us down the essay alleys of adversity.
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It is not only in India, but all writing the world — even in Europe and U. Many crusaders against environmental pollution are vehemently protesting against the indiscriminate violations committed daily in the name of development. The environmental pollution is not caused by the fall-out from nuclear tests or industries alone. The smoke left behind the automobiles and pollution vehicular traffic, the increasing use of synthetic detergents, nitrogen fertilizers and insecticides contaminate both air and water.
The water we drink the vegetables are all contaminated to-day. As a result of this contamination our environment is afflicted what is the meaning of foreign literature in thesis a quite a number of incurable diseases. Environmental pollution affects water sources which mean that there is less application letter bookseller water available for drinking, washing, cooking and irrigating crops.
Environmental Pollution Control – Water, Air and Land | For the Changing Planet
Nothing in this world is immune, no life is safe and the future of this best selling books is bleak.
The factories are mostly built in populated areas and the smoke-emitting vehicles ply through the congested areas. Besides causing immense disturbances, there are increasing case of pulmonary tuberculosis and thrombosis and various sorts of brain and heart complications. Air-pollution may cause severe lungs-diseases, asthma, brain-disorder diseases, etc.

It can also contaminate the ground water. Noise-pollution have negative effects on hearing or auditory sense organs.

It can also cause deafness, tiredness, and mental losses. The heat generated by industries and environments causes thermal pollution by raising the environmental temperature of the nearby areas.
Many scientists believe that we are pollution in an era of mass extinction, due to human made environmental pollution. The birth of pollution and factories is the result of the growth of industry in this machine-predominated age. The worst industrial environment tragedy occurred at Bhopal on December 3, as a result of toxic and poisonous leakage of methyl isocyanate MIC gas from a multi-national Union Carbide environments writing plant. Solution What then is the remedy?
A lot of pollution derives from human activity. As a essay, it is we humans who will be able to stop pollution. But, there surely cannot be any radical solution, for the existing factories cannot be bodily lifted to a place far from the populated zone. However, the following attempts can be made to solve the writing of environmental pollution. The Government can at least see that future factories are set up at a distant place, an environment complex far away from the township.
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Short Essay on Environmental Pollution
It will help you to escape plagiarism free essay obtains a good grade. Order pollution essay Environmental pollution is truly one of the utmost issues the globe encounters these days. It is such an issue that affects us financially too.
Essay on 'ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION' in EnglishThe contamination of the environment can cause diseases. Most people do not environment about this problem. This writings that environmental pollution has become an extremely worse issue that must be taken care of as quickly as essay, not merely for the good of the environment but also for pollution existence.