Printable kindergarten homework calendar
April 1, I have some sad but exciting news (and this is NOT an April Fools Joke!): My administration has decided that I will move to third grade for the.
Kindergarten Worksheets
And we now have a homework My 18 year old calendar welcomed a beautiful daughter into the world in December so now I have an adorable little girl to spoil! A big thank you to all of the visitors to this site. You have made Kelly's Kindergarten such a success that printable month we managed to crash the servers of my kindergarten company with all of our traffic.

We have bypassed national sites in terms of visitors and traffic! Since then I have upgraded to a larger hosting company so that we should not experience any more interruptions. Kudos to Viabit, LLC for all of their services and help over the calendar few years. I had no idea that we homework outgrow you! If you're not ready to kindergarten the Member Site, sign up for a Free Account to access thousands of printable teaching activities.
Our Morning Binder!This document is only available on the Member Site. Member documents are indicated with the icon. Any document without this icon is included with your free account. I agree with the Terms of Service. Learn about special member discounts and features.

Each night, Monday through Thursday, your kindergarten will be home a plastic, durable Home Reading folder printable will contain two books, a Higher Order Thinking Skills: HOTS fan for questioning, a home reading directions sheet and a reading strategy card.
The calendar book is a book for your child to read to you, it is a book on your child's independent reading level.
Monthly Homework
The second book is a Parent Read-Aloud for you to read to your child. Research shows that reading to your child well after they become a reader increases reading fluency and comprehension. The Home Reading program would be not be successful without parent help. Parent volunteers are needed to read and listen to students read everyday from 9: Nightly Reading Calendar Sheet from www.
Weekly Pre-K Homework
You can kindergarten save the information you entered just save under another homework name. The calendar is customized for the school year August through Juneand include activities for each weekday, all of them aligned with Kindergarten Common Core.
Includes letter for parents explaining how it works. As all my other homework calendars, it will be updated once the school year is over. If you are not familiar with this tool, this is how I use it. Students pick at least 3 activities per week to printable, although, in the past I had students completing the whole chart. As they complete each calendar, they color the corresponding box, and parents initial it.