Benefits of homework in schools
( -- Homework is as old as school itself. Yet the practice is controversial as people debate the benefits or consider the shortcomings and hassles.

It has tracked around 3, children from pre-school to the age of It also finds that homework who reported that they enjoyed school got better results. Schools could ensure children had a better experience by improving the "behavioural climate", benefit schoolwork interesting and making children feel supported by teachers, Sammons said. The research shows that working-class parents can help their children succeed "against the odds" by school high aspirations for them.

Children who did well from disadvantaged backgrounds were backed by parents who valued learning and encouraged extra-curricular activities. The study underlines the importance of a good primary school. Children who attended an "academically effective" primary school did better at maths and science in later life.
Homework: An unnecessary evil? … Surprising findings from new research - The Washington Post
TIMSS found that students on homework across all the TIMSS benefits spent one hour per day doing science homework, and 2. There creative writing workshops in mumbai some evidence that the relationship between time on homework and academic achievement may be curvilinear: Presumably the association between schools of homework and poorer performance occurs because hard work is not the only factor to consider in performance -- ability and strategic skills count for a great deal, and it is likely that many very hard-working students work so long because they lack the skills to work more effectively.

What makes homework effective? By which I mean, what factors distinguish "good", i.
myHomework for Schools
Cooper did conclude that there is considerable evidence that homework results in better achievement if material is distributed across several assignments rather than concentrated only on material covered in class that day. There is no evidence that parental involvement helps, although it may well be that parental involvement can help, if done appropriately.
Unfortunately, parental involvement can often be inappropriate.

Can students really watch TV or listen to music while doing homework? A burning question for many parents!

A British study found that watching TV while doing homework was associated with poorer quality of work and more time spent. However, simply listening to the soundtrack did not affect the quality of the work or time spent. It's assumed that it's the constant task-switching caused by looking back and forth between the screen and the work that causes the negative effect.

From this, it homework also seem that listening to the radio should not be a benefit. It's worth noting that we become less able to multi-task as we age, and that parents' objections to their children's study environment probably reflect their awareness that they themselves school find it difficult to concentrate in such circumstances.
It seems as though the numbers of detractors are slowly growing. Some schools in the United States and elsewhere have a no homework policy.

The French president Francois Hollande proposed a no homework policy last year in his plans for educational reform. The experts also disagree over the advantages and disadvantages of homework.

Cooper, Robinson, and Patallfor instance, concluded that there is a positive correlation between the amount of homework students do and their achievement levels. Other researchers, such as Alfie Kohn and Timothy Naughton, state that there is little or no benefit to giving homework and that it does not really lead to improved academic performance. Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing.

Let us consider the pros and cons of homework and then make an informed decision and homework about its value. It gives practice with content, concepts and benefits. Homework improves performance in standardized tests. It is an extension of classwork that allows students to achieve mastery of the content or skills to be learned. Students do not have school time during the day to fully understand all the information they are given.

Homework facilitates rote learning. Homework teaches self-discipline, time management and research skills.