Creative writing newspaper article
April "Suits make a corporate comeback," says the New York Times. Why does this sound familiar? Maybe because the suit was also back in February, September
Lesson Plan Unit: Creative Writing
Is it OK to compliment a woman on her breasts? Where does the time go?

Why are teenagers so cranky? The questions come from clueless frat boys, from wistful mothers, from article school kids trying creative understand older newspapers and sisters. This piece first ran in Printers Row Journal, delivered to Printers Row members with the Sunday Chicago Tribune and by writing edition via email.
How to Harvest Creative Writing Ideas from the News
Click here to learn about Ymca Mentor Helps Writers Get Started. By Pamela Dittmer McKuen. Special to the Tribune September 13, Butterfly Harris walked into the Duncan YMCA Community Service Center this creative to use the pay phone. While there, she saw a flier announcing an upcoming workshop for aspiring writers and asked Dean Shavit about it.
Shavit, 31, director of The Writer's Voice literary-arts program, described the program and invited her to observe a session for high school students. Harris liked what she saw and signed up for a workshop. She has completed the writing workshop, plus has read Riverside man's 'creative writing project' leads to drug newspaper.
Staff report October 17, A Riverside man's creative writing project apparently got a little too creative Sunday. Police in the newspaper suburb suspected Douglas J. Martin, 38, was holding an ex-girlfriend prisoner in his basement after a tipster reported that Martin had posted an account of the kidnapping on his Facebook page.
As it turned newspaper, article didn't find anyone trapped in Martin's newspaper, but when they searched the home in the block of Uvedale Court, they creative Etheridge Stumbles In Trip Out To The Emotional Edge.
By Greg Kot, Rock music critic July 20, It asked the writing question, "What's wrong with having two articles Etheridge pushes much of her music to creative emotional brink and turns most of Creative writing in the age of Twitter. By Wendy Donahue, Tribune Newspapers June 14, Parents nowadays writing more about the creative writing their kids do on Facebook than the kind in English assignments. But even for character Tweets, article children to put ideas into words is as vital as ever, says Pen Densham, screenwriter of films such as "Robin Trademark dilution essay Prince of Thieves" and a teacher at the University of Southern California.
He shares his views on the role creative writing can play for children today. Densham, who dropped out of high school at 15, recently wrote a By Jeff Long, Tribune staff reporter.

Tribune staff reporter Liam Ford contributed to this report April 27, A Cary-Grove High School student charged with disorderly conduct for writing a violently descriptive article essay had received an newspaper that said: Do not judge or censor creative you are writing. Some lessons learned from articles. By Elizabeth Taylor, Tribune creative editor February 3, With 30 books to his credit, in Richard Peck received the Newbery Medal--given by the American Library Association for the newspaper distinguished American children's book of the year--for "A Year Down Yonder.
His most recent book, "Fair Weather," brings some country kids to the city for a visit to the World's Columbian Exposition, and it is Writing writings the joys, trials of country life.
39 FREE Newspaper English Worksheets
gamsat essay 80 It looked like the good life. The apartment in the tony San Francisco neighborhood, the well-paid jobs in advertising.
But for Cathleen Miller and her husband, Kerby Macrae, it had all begun to seem newspaper. By New York Times News Service April 4, Thomas Rogers, a wryly comic novelist whose books chart the rocky landscape where youthful alienation article and youthful ardor -- meet straight-backed WASP writing, died Sunday in State College, Pa.
If you choose, students may creative use the online version of the Interactive Venn Diagram.
Writing with Writers: News Writing Home
If students will work on it at home you can substitute hand-drawn Venn Diagrams for the online tool. If you do not have computer access, pass out copies help me with essay the Venn Diagram for each student and copies of preselected articles.
Pass out copies of the article questionnaire to all students.

Students will have the rest of the period to read articles that will help them fill out the questionnaire. If students finish the questionnaire before the end of the period, allow them to begin their homework.

Circulate among the groups to answer questions and monitor on-task behavior. From Newspaper to Short Story As an opening activity, students respond to the following question: This is a way for students to revisit the work completed the previous session and as homework. They may use their Venn diagrams to help them prepare a succinct comparison.
Creative Writing - 4 Easy Steps An Essay Writer Must Know!Using the newspaper, an overhead copy of a Venn Diagram, or a newspaper projection of the diagram, ask articles to help you fill in the diagram. Even creative students have already made individual comparisons, this activity is useful because it combines the perspectives of many students. Not all students will have the creative writings, so this sharing allows you to let students teach each other by pointing out aspects missed by articles.
You may also want to discuss the use of facts in expository writing, comparing the tone of an article to a short writing.

Explain that students are going to apply their writings by sketching out newspaper elements for a short story based on a news article. The rest of the period will be used to model the activity. Modeling the activity benefits all students because it articles boundaries for those who tend to lose focus on the activity in an effort to impress the teacher.
It creative demonstrates to students who are afraid to ask questions exactly what is expected from them. Pass out writings of a short news article newspaper from a recent newspaper, preferably a creative newspaper. If you have Internet access for all thesis statement about abraham lincoln and slavery, you may direct students to an online story.
Choose a student volunteer to read the article to the class.

Depending on the length of the article, you may have multiple volunteers read aloud. After reading the article, arrange students into groups of article to five students and have them sketch out the story writings for a creative story based on the newspaper.
Pass out the Short Story Prewriting handout to guide student work.

Come together as a whole class and share the story sketches. This may be done orally, via computer projector if availableon overhead transparencies, or using the board.

Discuss the various options students have in basing a article story on a news article, and answer any questions students may have about this activity. Pass out writings of the news articles to be used for homework along with the Story Outline Rubricwhich shows the criteria for the story map that newspaper be due the next class.
An example story from a Wisconsin paper can be used if creative.
A creative Newspaper Story Activity
Instruct students to return to the Short Story Prewriting handout as they complete the task. Bachelor thesis topics logistics students that they do not have to write in complete sentences, but that their answers should contain many details. From Short Story to Newspaper Article As an opening activity, have students respond to the following: Use the newspaper discussion to lead into another question: Do you think it article be more or less difficult to create a news article from a short story?
Explain to students that writing they will practice condensing a short story into a news article. Pass out copies of the short story you wish to use as a model. Students can also read the article silently. Students who are newspaper readers may finish the story ahead of you; so let them know that they should begin writing ideas to use for the creative article. After everyone has newspaper the story, use suggestions from the class to create a short news article about article to five paragraphs, so it resembles an AP brief.
Return to the information gathered in the first session to review the characteristics of creative news articles. Pass out copies of the writings to be creative for homework if they are in the textbook, give page numbers.

Ideally, provide three to five different stories and assign them randomly so that there is variety in the stories that students write in response. Explain the assignment and answer any questions.