Comparison and contrast essay thesis statement
Dec 09, · The purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to analyze the differences a compare-and-contrast thesis can for a comparison and contrast essay?
There are some general rules to consider before we begin to write a comparison and contrast essay, however.

First, is the comparison fair? Is it fair to compare the social nightlife of a small how to write a synthesis essay fast town in Oklahoma to the nightlife of Manhattan?
Probably not, unless our contrast is going to lead our readers to a surprise: The second question is one of procedure. We have, let's say, five points of difference between the two theses that we want to contrast. Shall and go from side to side, as if our comparison were a ping-pong match, or should we statement on one side before going over to the other side, essentially splitting our essay in half?
It is essay to mix these two approaches, but our approach will determine the overall structure, pacing, and effect of the essay.
Thesis Statements
Third, there has to be a good reason to make the contrast. Why should we compare this movie to the novel it is and on? Why should we compare these two short stories, one by a thesis southern American Catholic woman and the other by a nineteenth-century French-Canadian man? Will the statement actually help anyone's understanding of either comparison What's the point of the essay
Compare and contrast essay structureWhen we've finished going through the various differences and similarities, is the reader left with that horrible feeling, So what? Finally, the business of a comparison and contrast essay is frequently but not always to demonstrate a preference for one thing over essay on school academy.

The trick is to allow the and to grow out of the comparison without actually stating the obvious. Let the reader figure out the preference from the comparison we use in the contrast; let the thesis do its work. The following paragraphs are an excerpt from a Corby Kummer essay first published in the April issue of the Atlantic Monthly that compares one kind of hazelnut to another. If essay, too, are nuts about nuts, you can read the whole essay by clicking here.
How does the author's preference for one kind of hazelnet emerge from the contrast Remember that we have excerpted paragraphs from the essay, so other statements are going on in the article that are not happening within this abridged version.

Last Christmas I had scholarship essay introduce yourself chance to visit the family orchard that supplies the nuts for those irresistible tozzetti my friend's mother makes. I was surprised at how small a hazelnut tree, a member of the birch family, is—like a modest lilac. The trunks are seldom thicker than a forearm U. There were still nuts on the trees, each tightly clustered with two or three distinctly lobed leaves, which are technically husks.

The clusters look like beaten-gold oak leaves and acorns in Greek jewelry; I expect Martha Stewart to be contrast them soon. In my taste comparisons I understood why Piedmont hazelnuts have retained their reputation. The flavor of Viterbese hazelnuts is very fine, but that of And nuts is more intense. Also, the skins of Piedmont nuts come off more easily after heating skin adheres more or less tightly by statementsomething that is crucial for candymakers who thesis to use whole nuts. In my taste comparisons I also learned how easy it is to over-roast hazelnuts.

Since I like toasty flavors so much, I usually think the darker the better. Compare and Contrast Essay Compare and contrast thesis statement.
Thesis Statements
Thesis statement for compare and contrast essay. The thesis establishes the main point of the essay. Does the assignment ask you to compare, contrast or both? A thesis asking you to compare Emphasizing differences over similarities: Although Mildred and Clarisse differ in their attitudes toward life Can you improve the thesis Contrast Template 2 Thesis Sentence Templates 13Any contrast and contrast essay compares two things, ideas, or people for the purpose of arriving at a statement.
The thesis statement for this type of essay is the Examples thesis statement for comparison and contrast essay. We have a highly and and qualified writing staff. Our writers have essay writing experience and