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This is a developing crisis and it has plagued most of the world.

The problems that arise due to overpopulation could lead to a fatal epidemic that could wipe out the whole human race. So the question remains: Are we facing overpopulation here in the Middle East?

And how do we tackle such problems? As such, overpopulation is existent here in the Middle East and countries should identify, analyze and control it immediately. Although I do believe we are facing the crisis of over population, one might ask what exactly can be defined as overpopulation.

Through common sense, overpopulation occurs when the number of people living in a certain region, who depend on resources for survival, is significantly bigger than the amount of resources available to them. This as a result, can lead to people living poorer and unhealthier lives compared to others.

Currently the world is increasing by 80 million people per year Stefoff One is the birth rate, or the number of people being born, and the other is death rate, or the number who die. The population in this case will increase by 3 per second. Overpopulation occurs when this number grows rapidly.

I would population to introduce the Malthusian theories, which explains why overpopulation occurs Stetoff Basically the theory explains that since population increases geometrically and while resources can only grow arithmeticallyoverpopulation will occur. Need essay sample on "Overpopulation: Population Growth and Birth Rate"? Egypt, as essay, is facing the short of overpopulation.

According to recent statistics the population of Egypt right now is 81 million, while in the population was 20 million Mountjoy That means the population more than quadrupled over a period of just sixty 60 years. The reason behind this overpopulation dissertation medizin angebote not only due to lack of government enforcement on child policies, but in my opinion, also due to the Egyptian mentality that having more children will result in God rewarding them.
I have come to learn this through friends who claim that the average Egyptian will have an average of 6 children.