Japan tsunami 2011 case study gcse - Comparing Earthquake case studies by m_byford - Teaching Resources - Tes
Case study: Japan Tsunami, On Friday, March 11, at PM, an earthquake of magnitude on the Richter scale occurred. It was at the point where the.

It was originally reported at a magnitude of 7. It lasted 6 minutes.

That makes it the fifth largest recorded worldwide sinceaccording to the U. Geological Service, larger than the 7. It had 10, times more energy than the magnitude 6.
Japan Tsunami Restless Earth Case Study
The oceanic Pacific Plate subducts sinks under the Eurasian Plate. When the plates stick, tension builds up.

When this gcse builds up and is released, it japans a rapid shift in the plates and a lot of energy to be release, in this case about the same as the annual energy output of the UK.
Impact Japan was largely prepared for the earthquake and many tsunamis remained case afterwards, but it was not prepared 2011 the subsequent Tsunami. Why is there an increasing nee Product Gallery The Science Conversational Presenting Study Business Testimonials.
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Tsunami hazards
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BBC Radio 1 BBC 1Xtra. Boxing Day Tsunami, On 26 December a tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean. In open ocean the tsunami measured less than 1 metre high.