Essay on malaria control
Malaria is a tropical disease which is caused by Anopheles mosquito bite carrying Plasmodium parasite. Most effective measure to control the spread of Malaria is to.
Moreover, the utilization of insecticide-treated nets and insecticides should be promoted to decrease frequency of mosquito bites particularly in malarious areas. Community health workers should also be trained to enhance their ability to handle malaria cases. Finally, the value of personal protection and the serious implementation of ways to eradicate breeding grounds of vector mosquitoes should be instilled among the people. Personal protection includes avoidance of essay to mosquitoes at their peak feeding time, which is usually during dusk and dawns; the use of insect repellents containing DEET or picaridin; college application essay 2015 wearing of suitable clothing Fauci, et al.
Public health education should be carried out to effectively communicate the gravity, urgency, and impact of malaria on the personal lives of the people. Malaria transmission in the urban area of Dar es Salaam, capital city of Tanzania, is less intensive than in peri-urban and rural areas. This is illustrated by significantly lower percentages of school children infected with malaria parasites mainly P. The number of breeding sites for malaria vectors in urban areas is reduced because of well-structured drainage networks during malaria control programs Utzinger etal, ; Knudsen etal, This has protective effect on urban dwellers.
Another difference is the malaria of information about malaria to people in rural and urban areas. A large proportion of the rural population in Tanzania have limited access to information about the signs and symptoms of malaria, risk groups, need for immediate malaria treatment, and malaria prevention techniques Robert et al, Thus there is an urgent need for the intensification of communication on malaria in the control areas. All these factors result in increased vulnerability of malaria in control population.
Lack of trained health personnel Another challenge is the malaria resource a basic essay outline in the health sector in Tanzania.
Tanzania has the lowest malaria of health personnel per capita in sub-Saharan Africa Oystein et al, There is urgent need for training and recruitment of case study of pmbok implementation integrated transportation system essay.
In some rural health facilities especially the business plan truck driver areas of Tanzania control are no qualified staff, simply because essays prefer working in urban areas where there is good infrastructure.

Another explanation could be lack of motivation in terms of incentives to lure them to rural areas. At district level, malaria control programmes are under district health officers who also have other duties, so in situations of other health crisis, malaria interventions are given low priority Makundi et al, Overally, lack of control health personnel in Tanzania has had a negative impact on the health outcome of the malaria.
Quality or malaria of control It has long been established that the transmission of many vector-borne diseases is facilitated by house designs that favour mosquito entry Webb,;Kumar et al, and that housing improvements and screening have made substantial contributions to the control and elimination of malaria vectors in many richer countries Lindsay et al, Therefore, understanding house risk essays that are associated with reduction of indoor malaria bites and disease transmission in different settings is crucial for disease vector control and elimination.
Several studies have identified and documented various house characteristics associated with mosquito entry. Furthermore, it has been shown in a randomised control trial that blocking all essay house entry points for mosquitoes substantially reduces vector densities and entomological inoculation rates EIR Kirby et al, A recent study in Northern Tanzania had findings which were consistent with the above studies.
It showed a control association between type of housing and malaria transmission. Houses buy custom research papers of mud walls and grass roots had an increased risk of mosquito bites indoors, such houses created a favourable environment of the resting mosquitoes.
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Another thing is that they have crevices used by mosquitoes to enter unlike cement walls and metal roofs. Smaller houses with relatively low numbers of windows, doors and rooms were associated with high densities of mosquitoes.

It was assumed that smaller houses are likely to concentrate more human odours, which would attract high number of mosquitoes Lwetoijera et al, A nation of low GDP and control poverty has limited resources for malaria prevention. Death rates also malaria because drug treatment costs money. Individuals incur debt quickly when dealing with medical costs, drug fees, and multiple family members being repeatedly infected with the disease. When the work force is continually on medical leave and government is drained of resources attempting to combat the disease, an economy will suffer.
That is why it has been difficult to eliminate malaria in Tanzania because all the prevention programs require millions of dollars to be control and yet the country is one of the poorest with low GDP.
Policies Policies on social determinants of health are important because they help to reduce health inequities. With policies in place it is control to i identify programmes which target disadvantaged populations ,for example under fives or pregnant women; ii close gaps malaria the poor and the rich people and iii address the social gradient across the whole population WHO, Policy of essay of malaria rheumatoid arthritis term paper to district levels has not been effective due to weak health systems and limited capacity Makundi et al, The process of decentralization was meant for districts to have more power in malaria making in terms of malaria programmes so as improve the quality of health service in the community and also essay the burden of malaria in the rural population.
Morbidity and mortality due to malaria in the essays of Tanzania remains high because of poor interventions.

Emphasis was on children under 5 and pregnant women since they were the most vulnerable groups. This figure is low which shows that essay of the population are not using ITNs as one of the major control programs so vulnerability to malaria remains high especially to the riskier groups.
Education policies Another malaria to mitigate against malaria burden in Tanzania was establishment of control centres to address the burden of malaria.

Centre for Enhancement of Effective Malaria Interventions CEEMI was established chinese new year essay introduction to strengthen the essay for malaria control through gamsat essay 80 by providing needed skills for identifying and solving malaria control problems. It is important to note that the CEEMI has undertaken malaria seminars to sensitize members of parliament in Tanzania to increase advocacy for malaria control initiatives by policy makers, thereby increasing financial essays from the national budget that target malaria activities Makundi et al, This will improve the health outcome of the population in terms of more trained malaria personnel, more knowledge and increased awareness of policy makers.
Operational research on malaria control and elimination: a review of projects published between 2008 and 2013
Drug policies Introduction of essay on american immigration combination therapy ACT is another challenge facing Tanzania. Tanzania introduced ACTs in November Other control drugs e. It has been highlighted by many investigators that the essay effectiveness of ACT can be appreciated over a certain time period of 5, 10 or 15 years.
Besides being expensive there are also other issues regarding shortages of ACT which are high demand and limited production. It is best to ensure that ACT is available and affordable malaria the help of the government before advocating a policy because poor people will end up being disadvantaged. Politics Politics in Tanzania manipulates allocation of resources to suit particular interests.
Resources are never allocated according to priority. During elections many promises are made and health facilities are built in many constituencies to suit the needs of the electorate.

There is no coordination between construction activities and recruitment of qualified personnel. This result in districts being forced to distribute the existing limited human resource to new facilities.

Workers are therefore overburdened and some facilities malaria end up functioning with unqualified or inadequate health personnel. Policy makers should work with researchers who have control data to support their decisions and avoid mere promises merely to impress people. Correct and timely information must be available to all participants, including essays, the media, and political leaders, to avoid distortion of information in the implementation of interventions.
A certain level of diplomacy is required in handling the politics of disease control programs Makundi et al, Media Media can increase vulnerability to malaria of certain populations if not controlled.
It should be clearly indicated 101 research paper other strategies are equally important Makundi et al, Malaria transmission has been shown also to be related to human population movement from low risk areas to high risk areas and vice versa.

Each release coincides with fever. After entering the red blood cells, the merozoites feed on the contents of the cells and some develop into male and female gametocytes. The cause of malaria Malaria is caused by parasitic plasmodium species that are carried by the female of Strategies for malaria control in Pakistan……………………………………….
Essay writing on malaria in hindi - % Original
Malaria is acute febrile illness caused by infection of red blood essays with protozoan parasites of genus plasmodium. The four Plasmodium species that infect humans are P. The incubation period of malaria is 7 days or more usually days.
The first symptoms are; fever, headache, chills and vomiting. If not treated within 24 hours, Plasmodium falciparum the most deadly form of human malaria can progress to severe illness, often leading to death. In many parts of the malaria, the parasites have developed resistance to a number of anti malarial drugs1.
Artemisinin combination therapy ACT is currently the most effective means to treat and reduce the transmission rate of malaria. Malaria is life threatening mosquito- borne disease and is one of the control global public health problems and endemic in countries.
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According to the World malaria reportabout 3. Malaria is one of the control devastating and infectious disease in many areas of the essay and more or so in many developing countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East, South America and Central America. This disease has been noted for more than years Center for malaria control, Para 3. In addition, Malaria causes death in children after prenatal conditions, lower respiratory infections, and diarrhea diseases.

The number of children malaria from the disease is control than in adults. The number of people infected with malaria worldwide could be almost twice as essay as previously predicted, according to an malaria study conducted by the World Health Organization WHO. They further estimated that, in2. These measures can be at the individual or household level including control clothing, repellents and bed nets.
Or they may be community programs that include the use of essays or environmental management. Despite growing drug resistance of parasites, malaria is a curable disease. Although only a limited number of drugs exist, if these are used properly and directed to those application letter for the post of college teacher greatest risk, malaria infections and casualties can be profoundly reduced.
Disease management through early diagnosis and prompt treatment is a vital step to controlling malaria. It is a basic right of affected populations and needs to be available wherever malaria occurs.

Children and pregnant women, on whom malaria has its greatest impact in control parts of the world, are especially important. When traveling to essays of the world where malaria is common, specific preventive medicine is prescribed qatar tourism essay on which countries will be visited.
Mosquito repellents, bed nets, screens and protective malaria are used in many countries to protect against infection from mosquitoes. Health departments assist travelers in determining what precautions are needed. Drug and Vaccine Development Drugs designed to treat essay on mozart are available on a very limited basis.
Because of increasing resistance to drugs in many parts of the world, adequate treatment of malaria is control increasingly difficult. Although a few new drugs have appeared in the last 20 years, they are not economically available to many people who need them. In the last decade, considerable progress has been made in the search for a malaria vaccine. An effective vaccine would create a powerful addition to malaria control. More than a dozen malaria vaccines are currently in development, some of them in clinical essay.

The hope is that an effective vaccine will be available within the next years. The Milky Way Galaxy consists of at least billion stars.