20.07.2010 Public by Jurisar

Literature review on stock market development and economic growth

IMPACT OF NIGERIAN CAPITAL MARKET This study examined the impact of Nigerian capital market on economic growth and development Nigerian Stock Exchange Review.

literature review on stock market development and economic growth

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literature review on stock market development and economic growth
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10:41 Kagahn:
J Bank Financ 24 Theor Appl Econ 22 3: Please be patient as the files may be large.

13:25 Kegar:
J Financ Econ 58 1:

16:31 Shagal:
China Econ Rev

11:57 Gaktilar:
The individual indicators of stock market development reveal that the market capitalization and turnover ratios robustly and positively influence the level of economic growth. China Econ Rev

20:16 Gakazahn:
Using the standard neoclassical growth model as a point of departure, the author reviewed important recent developments in growth theory. Econ J 99