Essay on mumbai traffic - Meridian Solutions | Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Oct 18, · Mumbai does not have as many cars per capita as other world cities but it has the worst traffic. Why? How can we resolve this?
In recent years rural dwellers have been flocking to India's commercial capital hoping to take advantage of rapid economic growth.

The crush in Mumbai's rush-hour trains is so bad that increasingly, it seems, those who can afford to do so would rather travel by car. We have about new vehicles being registered every day.

New systems, new solutions With support from the World Bank, the city recently invested in a new traffic management system. Overseen by a control centre in police headquarters, it allows officers to monitor traffic flows at key junctions via a network of cameras and sensors and adjust signals when necessary to help prevent snarl-ups.

Pushing a button in the control centre can make a traffic light at a distant junction turn from red to green or essay versa. It is a relatively simple system and has proved quite effective in mumbai the pain of Mumbai's ever-present jams, but it certainly hasn't eradicated them.

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