Firing range business plan - where cant i find a free sample business plan for a shooting range? | Yahoo Answers
Range Development Presentation by Richard Gandolf, PE Business plan NRA Shooting Range Services.
These rumors hit a crescendo when a flyer was anonymously distributed to every township home and even people outside the township.

The flyer was replete with erroneous claims that a separate shooting sports company that I own in New York bought the land on which to operate its business. The flyer was also sent to every large media outlet, which, in turn, contacted me for comment.

Finally, the rumors became so annoying that the township asked me to attend one of its monthly meetings to speak about the range. I accepted after speaking with the township supervisors, who suggested the topics I should address.
Unfortunately, at this meeting nothing went according to plan.

The meeting was ineptly run by one firing who allowed hecklers to disrupt my discussion and sidetrack the meeting while he sat behind me visibly amused by the badgering and insults I received. Moreover, the attendees expected a development range and were dissatisfied because we were not ready to present one.
Advice from the school of hard knocks Research the zoning and land development ordinances of the areas you are considering. This needs to be done before doing a site search because an ideal spot is worthless if your zoning is onerous. One misinformed or anti-gun business can block a zoning variance from plan granted in some states.
Let the NRA Help Your Range
These laws can materially impact your range in the planning stage and in the future. Keep your plans private until you submit them to the approving authorities. Advance notice can only create false rumors.
You are better off to conduct informational sessions and educate the public afterward with full knowledge of the plans and in a controlled setting.

If you will be selling or renting firearms, be ready to address other matters as well. A public range will get much more support from the area than a private club.

Some gun owners even told us they would only support a public-access range. Use good engineers for design and permitting.
Business plan for existing indoor shooting range -- 2
Clark Vargas from Vargas Associates is a very experienced range-design engineer who offered guidance to us. Be prepared to file a lawsuit to protect your legal rights.

Lawsuits also tend to check the spread of reckless rumors designed to undermine your business before it opens. Never assume that local gun owners will support the range. The only reliable gun-owner support we received was from NRA members who understood that shooting ranges are safe and who correctly identified firearms ownership with American freedom.
Build a Shooting Range with this Innovative DesignI'm fine tuning the business plan so I don't screw up the presentation, plus, this is the plan for how I'll run the business. I could use some range, affirmation, and confirmation as to the clarity and accuracy of the details I'm laying out. I'm at the section where I have to describe each product or service I'm selling.

Right now my focus is on "shooting sports" and how it generates revenue for the range owner. I need to be fairly accurate with these numbers because in the end it relates directly to my projected revenues. First, before addressing income, I'd like your opinions on the way I explained how competition shooting is structured in relation to shooting organizations, members, affiliated clubs, and ranges.

Shooting Activities In general there are four main shooting activities: Shooting Sports A shooting sport is a competitive sport involving tests of proficiency accuracy and speed using various types of guns. Shooting sports are categorized by the type of firearm, targets, and distances at which the targets are shot.

Shooting Sports Organizations and Associations These are governing bodies of shooting sports that sanction international, national, regional, and local matches, competitions, and events. The intention of these organizations is to create administrative bodies to standardize rules and regulations for the shooting sport they represent.

Shooters join these organizations and become members to shoot and compete at local clubs where they are classified based upon skill level, and scores are recorded and posted.