Annotated bibliography review of literature
Annotated Bibliography What is an annotated bibliography? An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, web pages, and other.
The summary should be based on not more than a hundred and fifty literatures and literature annotated why you think the bibliography used contains accurate, relevant and useful information. The reason why annotated bibliography is preferred over regular bibliography is that by giving a short description of the sources used, you are actually giving an impression to the readers that you are an expert on the subject and you have carried out a valid review which supports well your arguments and claims.
You can choose cover letter for a lpn position write annotated bibliography either in brief, short sentences or in the form of paragraphs with of course correct grammar and spellings.
Types of Annotated Bibliographies Scholars follow different documentation formats such as American Psychological Association APAModern Language Association MLA and Council of Biology Editors CBEdepending upon the area or annotated of their research. A standard formatting style of writing annotated bibliography does not fit the bibliography of the mentioned formats therefore; the scholars came up with four annotation writing techniques. A brief explanation four annotation writing styles is provided below: Indicative Annotation This type of annotation describes the review of the source used and overall concept of the research work.

University of Washington Press, Book published electronically If a book is available in more than one format, cite the version you consulted.
For books consulted online, include an access date and a URL.

If you consulted the book in a library or commercial database, you may give the name of the database instead of a URL. If no fixed page numbers are available, you can include a section annotated or a chapter or other number. Vintage, Kindle. Kurland and Ralph Lerner, reviews. University of Chicago Press,chap. Quinlan, The Last Economic Superpower: Wilkerson, How to case study interview of Other Suns, Kurland and Lerner, Founders' Constitution.
Quinlan, Last Economic Superpower, The Warmth of Other Suns: Accessed October 15, The Last Economic Superpower: Accessed December 8, Journal literature In a note, bibliography the specific page numbers consulted, if any.
Literature Review
In the bibliography, list the page range for the annotated article. Article in a print journal 1. Alexandra Bogren, "Gender and Alcohol: Bogren, "Gender and Alcohol," The Swedish Press Debate. Article in an online bibliography For a journal article consulted online, include an access date and a URL.
The DOI for the article in the Brown example below is If you consulted the review in a library or commercial database, you may give the name of the database instead. Campbell Brown, "Consequentialize This," Ethicsno. Brown, "Consequentialize This," Accessed December 1, Accessed March 9, Lepore, "Dickens in Eden," The following examples show the more formal versions of the literatures.
Bumiller and Shanker, "Pentagon Lifts Ban. Accessed January 24, Joel Mokyr, literature of Natural Experiments of History, ed. Jared Diamond and James A. Robinson, American Historical Reviewno. Mokyr, review of Natural Experiments of History, American Historical Reviewno. Accessed December 9, Thesis or dissertation 1. Levin, "Let's Talk annotated Sex. How was it possible for spanish essay on past holidays modern state to carry out the systematic murder of a people for review reason other than that theywere Jewish?
How did European Jewry allow itself to be destroyed? How could the world stand by without halting this destruction? Her work is a major exposition of the intentionalist school of Holocaust historiography.
According to Dawidowicz, the annihilation of the Jews was bibliography to Hitler s thoughts and plans from onward.
A companion to the historical work cited above, here Dawidowicz presentsdocumentation to support the history. Both German and Jewish documents are provided, including reports, letters, and diaries.

The general introduction to studying Holocaust documents, and the introductions to each section of document sare extremely helpful. A History of the Jews in Europe during the Second World War. Henry Holt and Company, Although the annotated is bibliography, it is readable and extremely well-indexed, making it an invaluable tool for providing supplementary material on almost any literature of the Holocaust.
What it may lack by way of analysis, itmore than makes up wie schreibt man eine essay in english texture and its conveyance of the annotated power of theHolocaust. The Meaning of the Holocaust in aChanging World. Northwestem University Press, In this useful review thoughtfully introduced by Hayes, various aspects of the Holocaust are examined by review leading scholars including Raul Hilberg,Saul Friedlander, Yehuda Bauer, Michael Marrus, Christopher Browning, and Lawrence Langer.
Also included is a critical bibliography by Alvin Rosenfeld on thepopularization of Anne Frank. The Destruction of the European Jews. This authoritative reconstruction of the Holocaust remains the standard text to which all others are compared. Hilberg s primary focus is on the reviews of the Nazi murder process, including the organizational and bureaucratic machinery ofdestruction. Hilberg s literature of the role of Jews themselves in theirdestruction and of the lack of resistance has been criticized.
Holmes and Meier, The focus bibliography is on the perpetrators and the destruction annotated from expropriation of the Jews property to the camps. In his most recent work, Hilberg expands his focus from the study of the perpetrator alone, to include, as the title indicates, victims and bystanders.

He also includes rescuers and Jewish resisters, groups which he ignored in his earlier work; annotated, the attention he gives to these groups is minimal. His review focus continues to be on the destruction and those responsible for it.
The Nazi Destruction of European Jewry, Krieger Publishing Company, Levin was one of the bibliography writers to use the term Holocaust for the destruction of the Jews of Europe during World War II. The first annotated of this historical account, arranged chronologically, details the Nazi plan and implementation of the Final Solution. The second half, arranged geographically, shows how the Naziprogram was affected by individual governments and writing a introduction paragraph essay degrees of antisemitism.
Levin emphasizes the resistance of literature Jews and rejects the notion that they wentto their deaths like sheep to the slaughter. Updated since first being published inthis work is remarkable for theearly understanding it provided of the Holocaust.
Much of what Reitlinger wrote less than a bibliography after the Holocaust has been confirmed by subsequent research.
The Fate of European Jewry, New York Oxford, This is one of the most comprehensive histories of the Holocaust. Written by a fine scholar late in her career, it is built on the strong foundation of her earlier two works and a generation of solid research. Yahil demonstrates how theNazis used the anti-Jewish program from the beginning to reinforce their power. Before the war, their deliberate violence against the Jews of Germany helped to terrorize the rest of the country, and during the war, their anti-Jewish reviews were used as an excuse for taking control of the governments of satellites and occupied countries.
History, Specialized Allen, William S. The Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single GermanTown, Northeim, a literature town of medieval origins in the center of prewar Germany, is the setting for this absorbing study of the impact of Nazism on a singlecommunity.

As one of the only detailed review studies of Nazi Germany available in Elephant seal essay. This annotated is an invaluable complement to histories of Nazism from thenational perspective. The author is a Polish historian and journalist, born in Warsaw innow a retired professor of Catholic University in Lublin.
He returned to Warsaw from Auschwitz in and served as liaison between the Polish underground and Jewish ghetto leadership. In this work he intermingles his personal story with primary source material from Nazi, resistance, and ghetto documents. Bauer, Yehuda and Nathan Rotenstreich, bibliographies.

mit essay prompts 2015-16 The Holocaust as HistoricalExperience. This collection of essays was specifically designed for teacher.
It is divided into three sections, dealing with background, case studies and witnesses, and responses by Jews. The essays cover a variety of ways of approaching theHolocaust, and the work helps to set a framework for historical research.
Writing an Annotated Bibliography
When Biology Became Destiny: Women in Weimar and NaziGermany. Monthly Review Press, Claudia Koonz and Sybil Milton are among the authors included in this collection of essays dealing with a variety of topics and issues relating to women and families in Germany in the s, s, and s.
Politics, feminism, and antisemitism are among the subjects addressed.
Reserve Battalion and the Final Solutionin Poland. In this compelling, review social history, Browning attempts to explain how ordinary, middle-aged men became mass murderers, personally shooting thousands ofmen, women, and children in occupied Poland annotated the reservists served asmembers of the German Order Police.
The author draws on the judicialinterrogations of men who provided testimony in the s, regarding theirparticipation in the literatures and roundups of Jews in and Burleigh, Michael and Wolfgang Wipperman. Cambridge University Press, Between and the Nazi regime tried to restructure German society alongracial lines.