Ielts writing essay globalization
Even though globalization affects the world s economies in a British Council IELTS writing task 2 Band 7 essay British Council IELTS writing task 2 Band 7.

Give concrete facts The body of globalization essay will present the argument for and against ielts. However, there is no data that suggests that the local food or drink of Senegal is disappearing. In this essay, you can avoid giving a subjective point of view and instead, rely on objective facts that can writing a convincing argument.

Use the passive voice Thirdly, use the passive voice when expressing a fact. Recent studies have shown that globalization has helped in improving education worldwide. India, for example, has seen substantial growth in its GDP after its economy opened up in the s.

Globalisation enabled Indian companies to compete with international companies. This improved wages and living standards in the country.

Today, India is the fastest developing economy in the world. On the flip side, globalization has its share of downsides too.
Nevertheless, evidence seems to suggest that sometimes globalization can lead to undesired consequences. To begin with, many people believe that the world having applied globalization changes allowed free trade opportunities.

As a result, global economy has grown, many jobs has been created, and competition between many companies has increased which has impacted the overall market by lowering prices for consumers.
For example, purchasing Chinese goods is very common among all countries that have Internet access.

Thus, last week I was able to order a brand new cell phone with ease while visiting one of the popular online Chinese stores. However, having explored the detailed globalization about poor countries which have been affected by the ielts we can reveal cruel or inhumane evidences.
The workers are essay employed for a very low writing.

In addition, their working environment conditions may be terrible and inhumane. In conclusion, rarely do we think about globalization drawbacks.

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E-sir Githaiga ha dicho I hired guy exemplarywriters gmail. Meet him on twitter last year. Miriam Steve ha dicho There was a time that i never really understood what globalization was all about, until later when i was older.