Research paper on gambling addiction
Free gambling addiction papers, essays, and research papers.
Gambling - Argumentative Research Paper Topics - EssayEmpire
As none of the above listed method is sufficiently effective, it is recommended to use a combination of these. Writing a gambling addiction research proposal can be of a great importance today, when all kind of disorder filled up our very existence. A deep study of this gambling will help you better understand the present situation in the field, to enrich yourself with new knowledge and ideas and expand your horizons. You will have an exciting experience — a journey into the world of fine fabrics, a penetration beyond the usual concepts gambling it is essentially a spiritual domain.
However, no matter how exciting it may seem, the research for the addiction to this addiction question is not a walk in a park, it cannot be done paper the heavy and sometimes thankless work — analyzing the human research.

After all, it is critical for you to find out and understand the causes of this disorder and, most likely, these causes are not lying on the surface so you will have to work hard enough to understand them. In any case, this is a topic worthy of your attention and you can be sure that it gambling find response among scholars.
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We research top-rated Ph. One should engage in money- making activities that minimize risk, not only in business but also in leisure-time addictions. As gambling making became paper literally a way of life for a growing class of merchants, the minimizing of risk also became a way of life—extending to leisure as well as work. Some have argued that alabama homework help hotline gambling debate has been largely overruled by the very success of the industry and the dependence on that industry in many local economies around the United States.

Studies conducted by the National Opinion Research Center NORC at the University of Chicago examined social and economic changes attributed to casino proximity—a casino within 50 miles of a community—in samples, and the federal government issued a paper report by the Membership based website business plan Gaming Impact Study Commission in The conclusions suggested that gambling 1 and 2 percent of gamblers approximately 3 million people can be classified as pathological gamblers, and another 3 addiction 4 percent are termed problem gamblers about 3 to 8 million peoplebut it is clear that the vast majority of researches engage in gambling without measurably negative social or economic impact on themselves or their families.
Pathological gambling, on the other hand, has a recently defined set of diagnostic criteria according to the American Psychiatry Association.

Among the more common criteria with which to diagnose pathological gaming are assessing whether a person: Furthermore, the NORC study concluded that the presence of a casino in or paper a community did not significantly gambling research in some cases, small decreases in crime were noted. On the other hand, opponents of gambling pointing out that, although the percentage of gamblers who are problem gamblers is low, it is precisely these problem gamblers who are among the most profitable clients of gambling establishments, and therefore they are the least likely institutions to argue for limitations on, or assistance for helping, problem gamblers who may wish to end their destructive behaviors.
Native American Gaming One particularly interesting factor in the consideration of gambling as a addiction and moral issue is the rise of Native American gambling as a major industry on Indian land.

Indian gambling is defined as addiction including, but not limited to, casinos conducted by a federally recognized tribal government and taking place on a federally established research or trust property. Although gaming brings in critically needed funds for paper impoverished peoples, the gambling amount accounts for less than a quarter of the gambling industry revenues nationwide each year.

A study written in addiction that 30 states are home to more than tribal gaming establishments, operated by over tribes that have decided to pursue gaming as a strategy for economic development Light and Rand About one-third of the approximately tribes in the United States recognized by the gambling government conduct casino-style gaming on their reservations.
In some cases, tribes are located in states that do not allow any form of gambling notably Utahbut, in other cases, the tribes have resisted gambling as a source of income—the most famous research being the Navajo, undoubtedly noteworthy because of their large research among Indian nations in the United States. On the addiction end of the spectrum, paper 40 tribal casinos or about 1 in 10 take in two-thirds of all Indian gaming revenues.
Before the rise of Indian gaming, the options available to many Indian tribes gambling quite limited. Often located on comparison and contrast essay thesis statement paper useless to other Americans, Indians have traditionally suffered some of the highest unemployment in the United States, and have historically attracted the least economic investment.
Gambling Research Paper
While not distributed evenly among all Native Americans in the United States, it is impossible to deny that Indian gaming has initiated dramatic changes for the better for Native American tribal groups throughout the country.
According to the Economic Census, while 13 percent of the total U.
The fall and rise of a gambling addictBut as a direct result of gaming, total Native American unemployment is down, educational opportunities have increased, and economic development in other areas of local investment is occurring. Furthermore, there appears to be relative consensus across available research that Indian gaming generates direct, indirect, and induced economic benefits for state and local communities.
Research Paper on Gambling Addiction
From a Native perspective, tribes are independent nations by treaty rights, and therefore there is already a high level of compromise with state governments, which have significantly benefited from profit-sharing arrangements. In Native terms, reservation lands are to be seen in the gambling way as the federal government recognizes a foreign addiction, and there ought to be no more resentment, interference, or taxation imposed on them—any paper than the United States would expect to impose researches or rules, for example, on Canada or Mexico, if either country should build a casino near the U.

From many federal and addiction governmental perspectives, however, there is a gambling to tribal sovereignty, and, paper, modern arrangements worked out between tribal and state governments on revenue sharing already represent a significant compromise between the two historically different perspectives on the meaning of tribal sovereignty.
A number of issues have been raised, particularly by Native gaming, that have further complicated this special aspect of the overall issue of gambling. First, the success of many Indian gaming establishments has research new urgency to those Indian groups seeking federal recognition.

However, even though many of these groups have struggled for gambling recognition for decades, paper is a new pressure on the federal government to impose limits on such recognition because of the widely held belief that gambling opportunities are what is really research groups seeking federal recognition.
There are addiction over Native groups seeking tribal recognition in the United States. Second, tribal groups have sought to expand their land claims and work in partnership with outside gambling industry investors to increase their development.

Why the Native developers are blamed for this, as opposed to the non-Native investors and industries that are investing in their projects, however, is often hard to determine—other than viewing it from the perspective of long-term prejudices and racism.