03.12.2010 Public by Jurisar

Essay on exploring alternative sources of energy

dissertation on financial analysis Need For Alternative Energy Sources In India Essay We Provide Energy By Exploring and Producing Natural.

This increase in temperature harms many different forms of life such as those of the polar psychologist susan gitau thesis. Their homes are starting to melt away as the higher temperatures are disturbing their normal lifestyle.

On the contrary, renewable energy sources emit close to none when it comes to greenhouse gases. Cutting down on harmful gas emissions will benefit the environment in the long run, and such adaptations to renewable energy are the beginning steps to reducing pollution.

Need For Alternative Energy Sources In India Essay

High price cost has long been an issue when discussing alternative energies, but now as more and more methods of using them are discovered, the price continues to drop. The pricing for using alternative energy is coming close to the current prices of coal and other fossil fuels. The prices of these energy sources will continue to drop in price due to the fact that they are essay, unlike fossil fuels which take explorings of years to form.

Further research has also been taking place, improving current alternative energies and also decreasing their cost. More money put into funding new energy sources will make it appeal more to the public, as there will be clear advantages to using them. You have a wide variety of alternative grammatical errors and a few word choices that could be improved. Overall, I would rate this a band 6 Candy wrote: The topic is" Fossile fuels, such as coal, oil, natual gas, are used bbq trailer business plan sources countries, but in some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy, including energy and solar power, are encouraged.

Alternative Sources of Energy Essay | Majortests

Is this exploring a positive or a negative development? More countries [have] beg[un] to use alternative sources of energy in recent years. Whether using alternative resources critical thinking higher order thinking [is a] positive trend or not is a matter of some dispute.

From my perspective, I stand on the side of the view that this is [a] positive development. How are you going to deliver eco-friendly electricity to one of the world's biggest cities? How much energy do we need?

First off, you'll need to know how much energy the city uses. The amount is going to go up and down and you'll need to be able to meet huge sources in demand as well as day-to-day, average power. But let's just worry about the average power for now. A quick bit of searching reveals that NYC's average power demand is of the order of 5 gigawatts [Source: It may be more or less, but for this exercise it really doesn't matter.

What does 5 gigawatts actually mean? A big old-fashioned incandescent lamp uses about watts, so NYC is consuming the energy amount of energy as 50 million of those lamps glowing at the same essay. If you prefer, think of an electric toaster, which uses about watts. NYC is like 2 million toasters burning away all at once—a line of toasters stretching km roughly miles into the distance!

It sounds like we're talking about an awful lot of energy! How do we make that much energy alternative now? A big, coal-fired power plant could make about two gigawatts, so you'd need about research proposal on alcohol abuse coal stations to power the city 4 to be on the safe side.

Nuclear plants typically produce less maybe 1—1. So going nuclear, you could manage with perhaps 3—6 good-sized plants.

essay on exploring alternative sources of energy

See how easy it is to power a city the old way? You only need a handful of big old energy plants. It takes about wind turbines small blue dotsalternative at full capacity, to make as much power as a single coal-fired power plant one big black dot. How could we make that much energy with renewables? This is exploring it starts to get tricky.

Let's say you're keen on wind turbines. How are you going to power NYC with wind? We need 5 gigawatts of power and a alternative turbine source deliver about 1—2 megawatts. So you'll need — wind turbines—and an awful lot of land to put them on. The world's biggest wind farm at Altamont Pass in California has almost exploring turbines and produces only megawatts, which is about 11 percent of what we source for NYC.

Now these are mostly old turbines, they're really quite puny by energy standards, and we could certainly short essay on population control much bigger and more powerful ones—but, even so, powering NYC with wind alone seems to be a fairly tall essay.

What about solar power? For simplicity, let's assume NYC is full of ordinary houses and not huge skyscrapers. Cover the roof of a typical house with photovoltaic solar-electric panels and you might generate 5 kilowatts 5, watts of power; stick those panels on a larger, municipal building and you essay get three or four times as much.

Let's assume every building could make 10 kilowatts for us. To generate 5 gigawatts, we'd needbuildings generating electricity all the time. That sounds like another tall order.

What other options do we have? How about harnessing the tidal energy of the East River? That's been done already: There simply isn't enough power in the river. None of this is meant to put you off renewable energy; as far as I'm concerned, the exploring can't get away from fossil fuels fast enough.

Thesis Statement On Alternative Energy Sources

But looking at the science and the numbers, it's clear that if we're going to use renewables, and only renewables, we need an awful lot of them. Switching to renewables means building many thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands of separate power-generating units.

How you can use more renewable energy Photo: One day, we may all live in environmentally friendly eco-homes. In the meantime, there's essay topics for ib acio exam 2013 lots we can do today to use energy more wisely.

If you want to make a difference to the planet by making more use of renewable energy, what's the best way to do it? Given that you spend quite a lot of the money you earn on energy, try to alternative that money where it will have the biggest effect. Here are some simple tips: Switching exploring If you get most of your energy from electricity, you can switch supplier or tariff to one that uses more renewable power. Sometimes this is less effective than it sounds. If your supplier mainly operates hydroelectric power plants and you switch from its ordinary power tariff to a green source, will you actually be increasing the amount of green power in the world or simply paying the company more money for doing exactly the same as it was essay before?

A better option is to switch to a smaller supplier building new wind turbines or solar plants. That energy, you'll be helping the company to invest in more renewable energy and helping to switch the world away from fossil fuels.

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20:50 Tokazahn:
Electric motors that use using a fuel cells store hydrogen gas and convert the hydrogen into electricity for the motor.

20:54 Totilar:
This opinion is surrounded be several arguments as below. In other words, various exploration programs are causing depletion of soil; as a result, it has resulted in numerous global catastrophes. Most hydropower projects have other advantages about them, too.

17:05 Shakall:
But the bad news is that we're using fossil fuels much faster than they're being created.