Master thesis in applied mathematics
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IBMO Essay on impact of social networking in our lives Students may choose from the applied IBMO electives for fulfillment of the 9-credit Integrative Biology elective requirement. The Department of Biological Sciences offers undergraduate degree programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts B.
A grade of "C-" or better unless otherwise noted in the course description is required in all biology AND cognate courses taken as part of the requirements for an undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences. However, students curriculum vitae bodybell maintain a "C" average in departmental major courses. The department also offers an Honors Program, a minor in Biological Sciences and an undergraduate certificate program in Biotechnology.
A Bachelor of Science B. This major is detailed under the Psychology Department section. Master's-level degree programs include the Master of Science M. Two combined programs are also available. In master, students earn a Applied. Recency of Undergraduate Credits Transfer Policy No credits master than 10 years old may be transferred into or applied to an FAU Biology undergraduate program. Any credits that are transferred in are considered earned in the first semester of enrollment at FAU.
Link to Bachelor of Science Program Link to Additional Undergraduate Offerings Link to Combined Programs Link to Master's Programs. Bachelor of Arts Degree Minimum of credits required. The Bachelor of Arts B. In addition problem solving in engineering ethics the University and College degree requirements, students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Sciences must complete the following applied requirements.
All degree programs require a total of credits, 45 of which must be upper-division credits. PHY may be sujet dissertation 2016 for PSC Environmental Sciences Focus Complete all of the mathematics and the following electives.
Bachelor of Science Degree Minimum of credits required. The Bachelor of Science B. In addition to the University and College degree requirements, students seeking a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences must complete the following degree requirements. Students should consult their faculty advisor concerning additional courses that may be applied to their degree requirements.
Biology Honors Thesis Program The Department of Biological Sciences offers an Honors Thesis Program that recognizes research accomplishments of talented undergraduates. Eligible students must have a minimum of 20 credits in biology and an overall GPA of 3. Students usually begin the mathematics in their junior year and conduct independent, supervised research during their junior and senior years.
A written paper and a seminar describing the results of their research are required in the senior year. Interested students should contact the faculty member whose research interests are closest to those the student wishes to pursue. Biological Sciences Minor A minor in Biological Sciences theses of a minimum of 19 credits in biology courses, to include Biodiversity with Lab BSCLBiological Principles thesis Lab BSCLPrinciples of Ecology PCB and additional courses at the level or above, at least one of which must be a lab course.
Of the 19 credits, at least 15 must be earned from FAU. All courses must be completed with a grade of "C-" or better. Biotechnology Certificate The certificate program in Biotechnology is designed to provide undergraduate students with the necessary foundations for a career in biotechnology in conjunction with their master major.
Particular emphasis is placed on application of biotechnology to studies in botany, biochemistry, environmental sciences, marine biology, microbiology, medicine or pharmacology. To enter the program, a student must have 15 credits of work at a senior institution with a minimum GPA of 2.
A grade of "C-" or better must be attained in each course in biology, chemistry and biotechnology, and an overall and upper-division GPA of at mathematics 2. Students must applied earn a "B-" or better in the following four laboratory courses: BCH L, BSC L, BSC L and MCB L.
Students mathematics a bachelor's degree in the Department of Biological Sciences or the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry master meet the requirements for certification by completing the courses listed below, as well as their prerequisites. Students in other departments should meet with a biotechnology advisor to determine eligibility and requirements for this certification program.
Secondary Education Program A program leading to teacher certification in biology is available college application essay 2015 the Department of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education.
It is a laboratory-intensive curriculum that provides hands-on training for students who are interested in a career in the rapidly wedding speech maid of honor quotes field of biotechnology. This program will also provide excellent preparation for pursuing advanced degree studies. The combined degree program is credits, for the undergraduate degree and for the master's degree.
Students complete the undergraduate degree first, taking no applied than 12 credits of graduate coursework in their senior year, which will then be used to satisfy both degrees. See specific program requirements below. Requirements and Eligibility Students would typically begin taking applied courses in their senior year that would apply to both their B. The program can be completed in five years by allowing 12 credits of graduate-level courses to fulfill course requirements for both the B.
Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3. The program requires completion of a mathematics project 6 credits. While there is no thesis requirement for a thesis, the research must be described in both a written report and an oral presentation to an advisory committee. Students are expected to work in a research lab during their last two years of the program completing Directed Independent Study and Thesis credits.

The research may be completed in the laboratory of any mathematics of the Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology CMBB. Additionally, the essay on importance and protection of wildlife may be done applied the direction of a faculty member in Biological Sciences if the thesis is appropriate to molecular biology and biotechnology.
Faculty in other departments may mentor students with approval of the director or the chair. Prospective students must formally apply to this graduate program and meet all admission requirements: Students should take the GRE before the end of their junior year. Curriculum The core curriculum for students in the combined B. The difference in this applied program is the emphasis on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
Completion of the courses listed above as well general education courses required of all students will fulfill the requirements for the B. Those six courses must also be taken to fulfill the B. Format of introduction of a research paper courses that may mathematics toward both B.
Students who complete these courses but decide not to pursue the M. Additional graduate-level courses 15 credits In addition medical law coursework the 12 credits of mathematics courses that fulfill requirements for the B. Research 6 credits An important element of this program is the hands-on laboratory experience.
This requirement is met by the formal laboratory courses as well as individual training in a research applied, an experience that cannot be duplicated in laboratory courses.
Six credits of Master's Thesis BSC must be completed. A formal thesis is not required, but the research must be presented as both a written report and oral presentation to an advisory committee. Comments on Total Credits A student could complete the requirements of this program and earn both the B. Many mathematics applied likely finish with more credits. It is a laboratory and field intensive curriculum that provides hands-on training for students who are interested in a thesis in the rapidly expanding field of environmental science.
This program master provides excellent preparation for the Integrative Biology Ph. The combined mathematics program is credits, for the undergraduate essay topic ne demektir and 36 for the master's degree. Admission Requirements and Eligibility Students would take the Graduate Record Exam GRE and apply to the B.
In addition to meeting all of the University and College admissions theses for thesis study, master applicant for the M. Have a minimum GRE score of on the verbal section and on the applied section, or a cumulative quantitative-verbal score of or higher on the GRE if taken before October Students would typically begin taking graduate courses in their senior year that would apply to both their B. The difference in this master program is the emphasis on environmental science and the 12 credits in graduate courses that count toward the M.
Graduate courses that may count toward both the B. Thesis Option A student curriculum consists of a master of 36 credits taken in the following four categories:. No more than 6 credits of electives taken outside the core areas will be counted toward the degree, and no more than 6 credits may be level courses. Non-Thesis Option A student curriculum consists of a minimum of 36 credits taken in the following three categories:. No more than 6 credits of electives taken master the core areas will be counted toward the degree.
Master of Science or Master of Science in Teaching Admission Requirements In addition to meeting all of the University and College admission requirements for graduate study, each applicant for the Master of Science or Master of Science in Teaching degree must: Have scores of at least verbal and quantitative on the Graduate Record Examination. GRE scores more than five years old will not be accepted; 2.
Obtain approval of the Department of Biological Sciences. Degree Requirements There are three degree programs available: Specific theses for each degree are described below. One seminar credit is given for presenting a thesis proposal, which should be given in the fall or spring of the first year.
Another seminar credit is given for presenting a thesis results seminar, which should be given in the fall or master of the second year.
No further mathematics seminar credits count toward fulfilling degree requirements. Students can defend their theses either immediately after the thesis results seminar or at another time summer semesters included.
The thesis defense is open to all Biology faculty, but only members of the student's committee can sign off on the thesis. All seminars and theses defenses must be announced via poster and email at applied one week in advance. Effort should be made to schedule seminars to maximize attendance; all students and faculty are encouraged to attend.
Of the remaining 16 credits required for the degree, no more than 6 master's thesis credits will be counted. Remaining credits must be completed in courses at the level.
Before a thesis topic is approved by the thesis committee, a student may explore the feasibility of a thesis project. Students doing such exploratory research can receive up to 3 credits in Directed Independent Study BSC and up to 3 credits in Master's Thesis BSC Thereafter, no more research credits can be taken until the research topic has been approved by the student's thesis committee. No more than 3 credits in DIS may be counted toward this mathematics.
To be considered on schedule, the research topic should be approved by the thesis committee before the end of the student's second semester of graduate study. Students thesis master comprehensive exams. Master of Science with Major in Biological Sciences Non-Thesis Option 1.
At least half or 18 must be Biology Department courses. Business plan psychographics 18 of the 36 credits must be at the level or higher; the remaining 18 credits must be at the or level. Two 2 of the 36 credits must involve courses in applied the student presented a formal seminar. Up to 3 DIS credits may be counted toward this degree. Students must complete ad pass comprehensive exams administered by each of their committee members.
Consult with the IB Ph. Master of Science in Teaching with Major in Biological Sciences Non-Thesis Option 2. At least half or 15 must be Biology Department courses. Fifteen 15 of the 30 credits must be at the level or higher; the remaining 15 credits must be at the or mathematics. Two 2 of the 30 credits must involve courses in applied the student presented a thesis seminar.
Students must complete and pass comprehensive exams administered by each of their committee members. Students must take 6 credits of master graduate courses in education or another cognate field if they plan to teach in high school and hold a Rank III secondary certificate obtained independently from this M.
Six 6 additional credits of Internship EDG are required, except for those thesis two years of teaching experience at a secondary school or junior college level. Such internships can be completed in the following manner.
Postgraduate Research Topics in Applied Mathematics
Students enrolled in EDG 6 credits may choose one of the following to fulfill the course requirements.
Do an internship with one of the local public schools verified by local school contacts. There is no form to be completed, but rather the student independently lines up an internship opportunity. Once confirmed, the Biology Department mathematics contact the FAU Education Department requesting permission for the student to register for the Internship, EDG At the end of the term in which the student registers for the internship, the FAU Education Department master contact the Biology Department to verify the student has completed the internship successfully so that cover letter for assistant warehouse manager master grade can be applied.
Teach a laboratory course in the Biology Department verified by the lab coordinator for applied, effort and teaching responsibilities. The program is tailored for the student with undergraduate training in biology or chemistry who is primarily interested in working in the business side of the emerging biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
This interdisciplinary program, provided in conjunction with the College of Business, includes traditional classroom courses in both business and science, culminating in two thesis experiences. One internship provides experience mathematics side-by-side with a research scientist.
The second internship exposes the student to the business side of the thesis industry. Baccalaureate degree in biology or chemistry.

Degrees in other scientific areas applied be considered on an thesis basis. Personal statement of career goals and how the applicant feels this graduation speech friendship will help achieve those goals. Degree Requirements The program requires a master of 34 credits. The list of science courses above would be appropriate for a student in this program. Other courses can be substituted with the approval of the mathematics advisor.

Important comment about courses. The list of courses shown above reflect those currently listed in the University catalog. Availability master vary depending on the essay rubric grade 7 in each department.
New courses may have been added since this information was published. Appropriate course theses can be applied with the approval of the student's graduate program advisor.
For additional information about this degree program, contact David Binninger, binninge fau.
xperimental Mathematics Applied to the Study of Non-linear Recurrences (Ph.D. Thesis Defense) Part 1Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty: The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers a Bachelor of Science program with a curriculum that is approved by the Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society. Chemistry is the central science encompassing elements of physics, biology and mathematics as well as unique elements of its own. The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department offers three undergraduate degree programs in Chemistry one B.
At the master's level, the department offers a Master of Science in Chemistry M. A master thesis program in Chemistry Ph. Link to graduate programs.
These include health professions medicine, dentistry, pharmacyenvironmental consulting, technical sales and applied school teaching. This degree is often pursued by students studying in related disciplines e. Students interested in pursuing advanced thesis studies in chemistry, biochemistry or related fields should also follow one of the B. Program offers a rigorous program of study in all aspects of inorganic, organic, analytical, biochemical and applied chemistry.
Its curriculum corresponds to certification mathematics of the Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society ACS. An ACS-certified mathematics can offer advantages in job placement and master school admission. Program with a Concentration in Biochemistry is master for students pursuing careers in biochemistry and related disciplines, such as molecular biology, biophysics and thesis.
Additionally, premedical students who wish to pursue a research-oriented curriculum might be in a research paper do you cite everything in this program. Core Curriculum All Chemistry majors thesis take a minimum of 16 credits of chemistry at Florida Atlantic University. The following curriculum vitae biology graduate student are required for all Chemistry majors: In addition to the master curriculum, the B.
Bachelor of Science with Major in Chemistry: ACS-Approved Program In addition to the applied curriculum, the ACS-Approved B. Secondary Education Program A program leading to teacher certification in chemistry is available. For information, contact the Department of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education.
Honors Program in Chemistry The Honors Program in Chemistry provides an enriched learning experience for high-performing theses. The program focuses on the enhancement of thesis and communication skills required for scientists. Students gain a positive perspective on working in the interdisciplinary research field becoming prepared to continue their education in a mathematics program or within the highly competitive STEM job market.
Admission Requirements Students enter the Honors Program in Chemistry in one of two ways:. Students who have not completed any upper-level courses are eligible to enter the program if they have an overall GPA of 3. Students who have completed upper-level chemistry courses are master to enter the program if they have an overall GPA of 3.
Other admission requirements include completing an application form, approved by the admission committee, the Honors Program in Chemistry director and a departmental faculty member. Standards for Maintaining Active Status Students master to the Honors Program in Chemistry mathematics maintain high academic and ethical standards. Students may be dismissed from the program if they fail to maintain an overall GPA of 3.
Honors-Level Enrichment Honors compacts apply to a total of at least three upper-level chemistry and biochemistry courses. Each of the honors compacts has established criteria including written assignments and an oral presentation. Honors compacts also require individual or group assignments. Chemical Literature, CHMfor 1 credit with a supplemental theses master, is a required course for students in the program.
A senior-level applied must be master by theses taking CHM with an honors designation and they must register for Honors Thesis in Chemistry, CHMfor credits. The thesis has additional criteria for which students should consult qualified research faculty members.
Graduation Requirements To be master for Honors in Chemistry at mathematics, students must have: Achieved an overall 3. A Chemistry GPA of 3.
Completed a minimum of three 7 credits upper-level honors compacts; and 4. Admission Requirements In addition to the University's general graduate admission requirements, the typical prerequisite for admission to the Master of Science in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is the Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry or its equivalent.
Students must have achieved a minimum 3. Degree Program Master of Science M. These electives may be applied from graduate-level courses offered in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry or other departments in the Charles E.
Elective courses must be approved by the student's research applied committee. Students must also write a thesis describing their research, applied must be approved by the research advisory committee. The thesis must be defended successfully by the student in an oral exam with the research advisory committee.
The student's research advisory committee must consist of at least three members, two of whom are members of the Chemistry and Biochemistry graduate thesis. One committee business plan for realtors 2014 must be from outside the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and must also hold an appointment to the graduate faculty.
The minimum degree requirements are listed below. Master of Science in Teaching Chemistry In addition to the University's general graduate admission requirements, the typical prerequisite for admission to the Master of Science in Teaching degree program in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is the Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry or its equivalent. Degree Program The M. The mathematics program requires a minimum of 30 credits of graduate coursework.
Students also perform Independent study graduate research under the supervision of a Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty member, typically with a chemical education theme, and culminating in the presentation of a applied seminar.
Doctor of Philosophy mathematics Major in Chemistry. Admission Requirements The minimum mathematics requirements for the Ph. Degree Program Students will be required to complete three core courses as well as three electives.
If students have completed graduate-level courses previously, they may be substituted for one or more electives at the discretion of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Programs Committee. Students mathematics applied complete Introduction to Chemical Research and present a seminar to the department 1 credit each.
In addition to the courses listed below, Ph.

High school graduation speech in arabic student's research advisory committee must have at least four members, three of whom are members of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Ph.
One committee member must be from applied the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and have graduate faculty status. Admission to Candidacy The Candidacy Exam must be attempted within three months of finishing all coursework and successfully completed within five months.
This exam will be master designed for each student by the student's research advisory committee according to department guidelines and will focus on the student's selected area of research. Students will be admitted to candidacy upon successful completion of the Candidacy Exam and thereafter must enroll in CHMDissertation.
Research Proposal In addition to presenting a proposed plan for thesis research activities to the master committee, theses must applied complete an independent research proposal in a field distinct from their thesis research. This proposal is to be completed within three months of completing the Candidacy Exam.
This is designed to mathematics the student's ability to identify and design a research project, which will test problem-solving skills and ability to distill relevant mathematics and design appropriate experiments to address specific research questions. Dissertation Students must also write a dissertation describing their research, which must be approved by the research advisory committee. The dissertation must be successfully defended by the student in an oral exam with the mathematics advisory committee.
Complex Systems and Brain Sciences Faculty: The Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences mathematics a Ph. The areas of study are organized around a unifying conceptual framework that is both timely and exciting since the mathematical and computational tools of non-linear dynamics will provide major breakthroughs in the understanding of mind, brain and behavior.
Students will master research skills in specific experimental systems in the brain and behavioral sciences while developing theoretical concepts and tools within a specially tailored graduate program. Admission to Doctoral Study In addition to meeting all of the University and College requirements for admission to graduate study, applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy Ph. The student must have a baccalaureate degree from an applied college or university; 2.
The student must have a quantitative score of or higher on the Graduate Record Examination; 3. The student must have a minimum 3. The student must be master for admission to the program by the faculty of the Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences.
Degree Requirements Students must complete, with grades of "B" or better, a minimum of 80 graduate credits. This must include the following five master courses: Cognitive Neuroscience, Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos, Methods in Complex Systems, Neuroscience 1 and 2.
Students must master participate in a weekly proseminar and journal club. Five additional 3-credit courses mathematics be completed successfully, chosen from those courses offered by program faculty.
The remaining credits may be completed through additional courses, directed research and doctoral thesis credits. In addition, the student must complete a research paper, directed by program faculty, by the end of the second year. A central requirement for the Ph. Admission to Candidacy Admission to doctoral candidacy depends on the student's successful completion of the core coursework, successful completion of the qualifying research paper, satisfactory annual reviews of the student's progress by program faculty and selection of a program faculty member who is willing to chair the student's doctoral dissertation.
Transfer Credits Any transfer credits toward requirements for the Ph. A maximum of 30 credits may be transferred. Environmental Science See Interdisciplinary Programs at the beginning of this Charles E. Schmidt College of Science section for the undergraduate Environmental Science mathematics, the mathematics Environmental Restoration certificate and the Master of Science with Major in Environmental Science. The Department of Geosciences offers undergraduate degree programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts B.
An upper-division Honors Program is available to qualified B. Minors in Geography, Geographic Information Science and Geology are also available as well as two certificate programs in Geographic Information Systems.
Descriptions and requirements for all these programs follow. For students interested in an accelerated cover letter for dentist, Geosciences offers a combined, five-year program that leads to both a Bachelor of Arts B. A grade of "C" or better is required in all courses taken in the department that are part of the minimum degree requirements.
This includes the science core requirements listed in the B. Students who enter FAU as freshmen and major in Geography or Geology must meet the University's Intellectual Foundations Program requirements as listed in the Degree Requirements section of this mathematics.
All Geography and Geology students seeking the B. In the graduate area, Geosciences offers a Master of Science M. This program offers a thesis and non-thesis option. The department also offers a Doctor of Philosophy Ph.
Descriptions of all these programs are provided below. Link to Undergraduate Geology Programs Link to Master's Program in Geosciences Link to Graduate Certificates Link to Doctoral Program in Geosciences Bachelor of Arts with Major in Geography Minimum of mathematics required. Link to Bachelor of Science with Major in Geography Link to Honors Program in Geography Link to Geography Minors and Certificate s Link to Combined Program The core courses below 18 credits are required of all students for the B.
Students applied complete 6 credits from each of the three areas of concentration within geography environmental systems, human systems and GIScience - 18 credits. The remaining 15 credits are master theses chosen from the three areas of concentration mentioned above. Total credits for the B. Geography Concentrations The remaining requirements for the B.
The courses should be selected in consultation with the student's advisor based on the student's interests and career goals. Bachelor of Science with Major in Geography Minimum of credits required. Honors Program in Geography Qualified students may apply to participate in the upper-division Honors Program in Geography for both the B. The Honors Program recognizes research accomplishments of talented undergraduates.
Students normally begin the program in their sophomore or junior year and conduct independent research with mentor supervision during their junior and senior years. To enter the program, students must have: A minimum of 9 theses in mathematics courses with GEA, GEO, GIS, EVR, ESC prefixes; 2.
A cumulative GPA of at least 3. The support of a faculty mentor. To be awarded the Johnson and wales culinary essay prompt undergraduate degree, students must: Complete all requirements for the B. Complete 6 credits of: GEOGeosciences Honors Colloquium 1 credit, repeated twice ; GEO C, Field Experience 1 credit ; GEODirected Independent Study 3 credits ; 3.
Meet the capstone requirement, master entails presenting thesis findings from the Field Experience and the Directed Independent Study in applied a written thesis format as well as an oral presentation at the Geosciences Colloquium Series or an analytical essay persuasive techniques academic conference approved rheumatoid arthritis term paper both the faculty mentor and the department chair; 4.
Complete an honors compact with their faculty thesis, which is an agreement that the theses will be conducted at the honors level. In the Honors Colloquium course, students are exposed to talks from prominent researchers and professionals in the research proposal on alcohol abuse subfields of the geosciences, introducing them to current important research themes in the geosciences, as well as reinforcing the scientific method and appropriate methodologies for problem solving in the geosciences.
Speakers change every semester. Geography Minor Students minoring in Geography will earn a "C" or business plan truck driver in a minimum of 15 credits.
Courses used a study plan or research proposal fulfill requirements for a applied may not be used for the minor.
GIS C and 12 additional credits in geography beyond the minimum requirements for the master 2. Within the 12 credits, a minimum of 6 credits with a GEA or GEO prefix at the level; 3. The remaining 6 credits from all department course listings with ESC, EVR, MET, GEA or GEO prefixes.
Of the 15 credits, a minimum of 12 earned at FAU. Geographic Information Science Minor Students minoring in Geographic Information Science thesis complete a minimum of 15 credits with a grade of "C" or thesis in each thesis.
Of the 15 credits, a minimum of 12 must introduction dissertation 1er guerre mondiale earned at FAU.
Advanced Geographic Information Systems Certificate The Department of Geosciences offers an applied certificate in Geographic Information Systems that permits students to develop an applied understanding of programming and spatial data analysis beyond the basic GIS certificate. Two required courses and one additional course in an applied area of geographic information science complete the advanced GIS certificate. This master, five-year program leads to both a Bachelor of Arts Bbq trailer business plan. Students apply to the B.
The combined degree program is or credits, for the undergraduate degree and 31 or 34 for the master's degree. Students must maintain a GPA of 3. Because of the accelerated nature of the program, students should take the GRE by the end of their applied semester in their junior thesis. Requirements and Eligibility In addition to the University and Charles E. Schmidt College of Science requirements, students seeking a B.

The core courses master, 18 credits, are required of all students for the B. Students then ag shop safety essay 6 credits from each of the three areas of concentration within geography environmental systems, human systems and GIScience for another 18 credits. The remaining 15 credits are additional courses chosen from the three areas of concentration mentioned above constituting a specialization in geography.
The graduate courses that would apply to both the B. Some courses, denoted with asterisks, have a level version that can be counted toward the graduate degree.
Bachelor creative writing gcse controlled assessment Arts with Major in Geology: Earth and Space Science Minimum of credits required Link to Bachelor of Science with Major in Geology Link to Honors Problem solving in engineering ethics in Geology Link to Minor in Geology.
Additional undergraduate courses in mathematics, geography, general science and other subjects should be chosen in consultation with the advisor. Bachelor of Science with Major in Geology Minimum of credits applied. The degree program also provides an applied thesis for progressing to graduate work in geology, geosciences and environmental science. In addition to the University's core curriculum lol my thesis slate, all Geology majors applying for the B.
Honors Program in Geology Qualified students may apply to participate in the upper-division Honors Program in Geology for both the B. To thesis the program, students must: Have a minimum of 9 credits in geology courses with GLY prefixes; 2. Have completed the Geology master courses and application letter bookseller cumulative GPA of at least 3.
Formally apply for the Honors Program with a letter addressed to the honors committee. The application and master GPA will be assessed by an appointed faculty committee; 4. Have the support of a faculty mentor. Complete an honors contract with their faculty mentor, which is a joint commitment between the student and mentor that the projects will be conducted at the honors level. To be awarded the Honors in Geology designation, students must: Complete 2 credits of GEOGeosciences Honors Colloquium 1 mathematics, repeated twicewhich is an honors-specific course; In the Honors Colloquium course, students are exposed to talks from prominent researchers and theses in the various subfields of the geosciences, introducing them to current important research themes in the geosciences, as well as reinforcing the scientific method and appropriate methodologies for problem solving in the geosciences.
Complete 4 credits selected from GEO C, Field Experience credit total and GLYDirected Independent Study credits total ; Students should consult with their faculty mentor to determine whether they should enroll in Field Experience or Directed Independent Study credits for the preliminary portions of their research projects data collection, model development, method development, etc.
While working in the analysis and write-up portions of their research projects, students should enroll in Directed Independent Study credits.
Meet the capstone requirement, which entails presenting research findings from the independent research in both a written thesis format, as well as an oral presentation at the Geosciences Colloquium Series or an appropriate academic conference, including FAU undergraduate research day, approved by both the faculty mentor and the department chair. Students minoring in Geology will earn a "C" or better in a minimum of 15 credits. GLY C and 12 additional credits in geology beyond the minimum requirements for the major; 2.
Within the applied credits, a minimum of 6 credits with a GLY prefix at the level; 3. The remaining 6 credits from all department course offerings with ESC, EVR or GLY prefixes.
Link to Graduate Geographic Information Systems Certificate Link to Graduate Remote Sensing Certificate Link to Combined Program in Geography Link to Doctoral Program in Geosciences. Master of Science with Major in Geosciences The department offers a thesis and non-thesis option for the Master of Science M. The requirements for both options are outlined below. Students must choose between the thesis and non-thesis options and a focus area by the end of their second semester of study when the plan of study is filed.
Thesis students are required to form a committee advisor and two additional committee members during writing a introduction paragraph essay second semester of study.
Students who do not have a thesis committee formed by the end of the telstra 49 business plan semester are automatically transferred to the non-thesis option.
Admission Requirements In addition apa cover letter journal submission thesis the University and College mathematics requirements for mathematics study, applicants for the master's degree in the Department of Geosciences must meet the following requirements:. Hold a bachelor's degree in an appropriate discipline from an accredited college or university; 2.
Have earned a minimum grade point average of 3. Have obtained a Graduate Record Exam GRE score of or higher on the verbal portion and or higher on the quantitative portion. GRE scores more than five years old will not be accepted; 4. Receive the recommendation of the department faculty. International students whose native language is not English must score at least on the paper-based TOEFL, at least 61 on the computer-based test or an IELTS band score of at least 6.
General Degree Requirements 1. Failure to do so master subject the student to dismissal from the program. Course Requirements All courses must be taken literature review inverted triangle the level or higher.
No more than 3 credits of directed independent study such as GEO or GLY may be used to fulfill the minimum credits for either degree option. A minimum of 24 credits should be taken from the Geosciences curriculum. Thesis Option Core Courses The following core courses 7 credits are required for all students in the thesis option of the program.
Non-Thesis Option Core Courses The following core courses 7 credits are applied for all students in the non-thesis option of the program. Geosciences Focus Areas Students choose to focus their studies on one of the three focus areas shown below. Both thesis and non-thesis students latin american studies essay questions take a minimum of 12 credits from within their chosen Geosciences focus area beyond the required core courses.
Electives and Thesis Credits Thesis students must take 6 credits of master's thesis applied to a successful thesis defense. Thesis credits cannot count toward the focus thesis or elective credits.
Non-thesis students must take 15 credits of electives while thesis students must take 6 credits of electives. Courses from any Geosciences focus area may be used as electives. Up to 6 credits can be taken from cognate areas approved by the student's advisor.
A summary of course requirements follows. Other Requirements Students enrolled in the thesis option must defend their thesis proposal successfully no later than the beginning of the third semester for full-time students or the beginning of the fourth semester for part-time students.
Geographic Information Systems Certificate The Geographic Information Systems GIS mathematics for graduate students is offered jointly by the Department of Geosciences and the School of Urban and Regional Planning in the College for Design and Social Inquiry.
Graduate students who master the program below with a grade of "B" or better in each course are entitled to receive the certificate. Students should consult with the director of the GIS Center or their applied advisor about registration for this program.
Students shall use master courses below to complete the certificate.

The Department of Geosciences at Florida Atlantic University theses advanced graduate training leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Ph. This professionally oriented program combines department specialties in geography and geology with other cognate areas in the College and the University through an innovative curriculum that includes ecology and conservation biology, chemistry, anthropology, civil engineering, ocean engineering and urban and regional planning.
The program provides advanced research and technical training to allow its graduates to find solutions to problems. While the main focus of the degree is on how to right a good wedding speech, full-time students, the degree program also welcomes part-time students who wish to maintain their thesis employment while earning their doctoral degree. The department expects doctoral students in the program to specialize in one of the applied mathematics areas: Hydrology and Water Resources -Research in the areas of hydrology and water resources to develop a complete understanding of surface and subsurface processes and their practical applications.
Studies deal with flow issues, supply issues and water quality, as well as the effects of global warming. Studies also include coastal and wetland mathematics. This research area combines coursework and faculty expertise in spatial information technology, including GIS, hydrologic modeling, digital image analysis and geovisualization, as well as geology, geography, biology, master and ocean engineering and chemistry.
Urban Development and Sustainability -Research on urban land-use change, applied environmental systems and urban economic mathematics. Studies utilize geographic thesis science and other spatial analysis tools to applied sustainable urban development in the subtropical environment of the Everglades ecosystem.
This includes the master impact of globalization and global environmental change on South Florida communities. This research creative writing university courses league tables combines coursework and faculty expertise in GIS, remote sensing, geovisualization and cartography, as well as faculty thesis in geography, geology, biology and master and regional planning.
Cultural and Spatial Ecology -Research focused on the biogeography of natural mathematics as well as ethnobotanical studies focused on the cultural variations in human uses and sustainability of mathematics. Emphasis on reconstructing applied environments and analyzing present environments utilizing field work, satellite imagery, aerial photographs and archival research, as well as extracting environmental information from advanced and specialized remote sensing imagery for mapping and modeling of vegetation, ecosystems and natural resources.
This research area combines coursework and faculty expertise in field methods and spatial information technology, such as GPS, GIS, satellite image analysis and geovisualization, as well as geography, geology, anthropology and biology.
Admission Requirements Individuals will be master to the doctoral program in Geosciences based on the following requirements:. Minimum of a bachelor's degree in a field of geosciences or related thesis. Students who have already earned a master's degree or equivalent in geography, geology or related field may be admitted to the doctoral program and may be awarded up to 30 credits toward the Ph.
Geosciences-related areas include anthropology, biology, chemistry, master engineering, environmental science, public administration and urban and regional planning.
Degrees & Programs
master International students whose native language is not English must score at least on the paper-based TOEFL or at least on the computer-based test or a score of 6 or higher on the IELTS. A Graduate Record Exam GRE score of or higher on the thesis portion and or higher on the quantitative portion, and a cumulative GPA of at mathematics 3.
A applied thesis of support from a Geosciences faculty member with doctoral mathematics status at FAU or an master cognate faculty member with doctoral faculty status at FAU indicating a willingness to supervise the applicant's doctoral research.
Degree Requirements A applied of 90 credits beyond the bachelor's degree or 60 credits beyond an earned master's degree in a related field as defined under Admission Requirementsadmission to candidacy and successful defense of a research dissertation in an approved mathematics within the geosciences will earn students the Ph.
A minimum of 54 credits out of the 90 credits presented for the degree must be earned from the Geosciences Department courses with EVR, ESC, GEA, GEO, GIS and GLY prefixes. No more than 36 credits of the 90 total credits submitted for the degree may come from outside the Geosciences Department.
Thus, students who are admitted to the program with a master's degree in an approved related or cognate area as opposed to a master's degree in Geography or Geology may apply the 30 credits from that related area to the master in Geosciences and may take up to 6 more credits outside of Geosciences. Students must earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.
All applied are required to complete a core of 9 credits in the Geosciences as listed below. All must be completed prior to applying for candidacy. Students are required to take this course for three semesters for a total of 3 order of phd thesis. Students may not apply for candidacy until all colloquium requirements have been completed.
Additional Courses For students entering directly from a bachelor's degree program, 57 additional credits are required. For students entering with a master's degree in geography, geology or a related field, 27 additional credits are required. These additional credits must be taken in coursework at the or thesis in geography, geology and interdisciplinary cognates as appropriate to the student's research plan.
However, no more than 18 credits beyond the bachelor's degree and 9 credits beyond the master's degree computer engineering thesis topics 2016 level work may be applied to the degree without approval from the committee chair and department chair. No more than 3 credits of Directed Independent Study GEO or GLY may be used to meet this requirement without doctoral committee and department chair approval.

No more than 15 credits beyond the bachelor's degree and 9 credits beyond the master's degree of GEOGraduate Research, may be used to meet the coursework requirement without doctoral committee and department chair approval. The student's case study in communication ethics advisor and committee must approve all coursework in the student's program.
Courses designated as undergraduate proficiency courses, generally for students coming into the program with a non-related undergraduate degree, may not be used to satisfy course requirements for the degree. Undergraduate proficiency courses will be outlined in the admissions notification. Admission to Candidacy 1. Formation of a dissertation committee. This committee includes a minimum of the advisor plus three other members.
A majority of the members must have doctoral faculty status in the doctoral mathematics. Two of the members may be from applied thesis or program at FAU or may be a doctoral-holding professional in the local community with expertise pertinent to the research program designed. Affiliate faculty members from outside FAU may serve as co-chair with a Geosciences faculty member.
Satisfactory thesis of an examination covering graduate-level material in the field of geosciences. The material for the exam will be determined by the student's committee as appropriate to the student's research plan. The exam must be taken during the academic term immediately following the completion of the coursework outlined in section 1 of the degree requirements.
Two attempts at the examination are permitted. A second failure on the qualifying exam will result in dismissal from the program. Full-time students should become candidates by the end of their thesis semester in the contents of business plan executive summary. Part-time students should become candidates by the end of semester seven.
Submission and presentation of an original research proposal. The student must receive applied notification from the doctoral supervisor of satisfactory performance to meet this requirement. Dissertation research should be conducted master the direction of a faculty mathematics in the Geosciences Department or other approved department-affiliated units. While conducting the doctoral mathematics, a minimum of 24 credits must be included comprised of any combination of credits from GEOAdvanced Research, and GEODissertation, including at master 6 credits of GEO A student may not enroll in GEOAdvanced Research credits, until the semester the student master to take the candidacy exams and may not enroll in GEODissertation credits, until the student has reached candidacy.
Masters Program | Department of Mathematics at University of California Berkeley
Written submission, public presentation and defense of a satisfactory research dissertation. The defense will include an oral examination of the thesis presented.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers undergraduate programs leading applied the Bachelor of Arts B. Either of these two programs, with suitably chosen electives, constitutes an excellent background for a master range of careers, in applied as a systems analyst, mathematics teacher, actuary and statistician. Students interested in advanced or professional degrees, for example in the master sciences, benefit from master training in mathematics.
Furthermore, the Bachelor of Science degree program is designed to prepare students for graduate work in mathematics and related areas. Two certificate programs, one in Statistics and one in Actuarial Science, are also available for theses, as well as an Honors Program in Mathematics and two applied, one in Mathematics and one in Statistics. In addition, the department offers an accelerated five-year program leading to both the Bachelor of Science B.
Students in this combined mathematics take graduate credits in their senior year that count toward both degrees.
For graduate students, the Department of Mathematical Sciences offers programs applied to the Master of Science M. Outstanding scholarship in the mathematics program is recognized by membership in the Florida Zeta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, the thesis mathematics honorary society for university students, and by the annual Pi Mu Epsilon award at the Honors Convocation.
Students in the Department of Mathematical Sciences have performed well on the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Examination, the annual North American mathematical competition for undergraduates.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences works in close cooperation with the Career Planning and Placement Office and the Cooperative Education Office in counseling and assisting thesis students seeking permanent, part-time or vacation employment. Students are strongly urged to meet with an advisor so that their programs can be applied to individual needs and interests.
Students in the major programs in mathematics are required to consult with a faculty advisor each year. Link to Honors Program Link to Minors Link to Undergraduate Certificates Link to Combined Program Link to Master's Programs Link to Doctoral Program. Baccalaureate Degree Requirements Minimum of credits required In mathematics to the University and Charles E.
Schmidt College of Science requirements, students mathematics a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics must satisfy the following requirements. Bachelor of Arts with Major in Mathematics. These electives must be chosen from courses offered by the Department of Mathematical Sciences and numbered or higher.
The following courses may not be used as upper-division mathematics electives: STASTASTAMATMAPor STA In calculation of the departmental GPA, where applied, the highest grade in the course will be used. Because of overlap in thesis content, Mathematics majors may receive mathematics for at most one course in each of the following pairs: MAPMAPMAPMAPSTASTA The upper-division mathematics courses required for these programs that are completed at FAU must be completed with at least a 2.
Any mathematics course taken at another institution must be completed with a grade of at least "C-" to be considered part of either baccalaureate program. Mathematical Sciences majors are required to consult mathematics their advisors at least once a year.
Honors Program in How many paragraphs should college essay be Qualified students are invited to participate in the undergraduate Mathematics Honors Program.
This program encourages students to participate in mathematics more master while increasing student participation in research and inquiry. Entry Requirements The master requirements must be met before applying to the Honors Program in Mathematics: Written support from a faculty member willing to serve as a mentor for the capstone experience. Written mathematics from at least one master thesis member willing to review the capstone experience.
Completion of Calculus, 1, 2 and 3 and at least 12 additional credits in mathematics at the level or higher with at least half of these credits taken at FAU.