Case study hyperthermia
The second of this Case Study series addresses a situation that is uncommon in the surgical setting. Without proper recognition and prompt tre.
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Nurse Care Children's Hospital Arlinda Marques. Associate Professor of Nursing Department of Public Health and Psychiatry. To identify nursing diagnoses according to the taxonomy of NANDA-I in children hospitalized in the Pediatric Clinic of a teaching hospital, based on Horta's the theory of basic human needs.

This is a case study with a quantitative case, conducted with 37 hospitalized children, aged hyperthermias. The data collected went through a judgment process of the needs affected, resulting in the identification of nursing diagnoses, named using the study of NANDA-I.

We identified diagnoses assigned to 36 concepts diagnoses, with an average of 5. The diagnoses more frequently obtained were impaired skin integrity, risk of infection, risk of electrolyte imbalance and acute pain.

We hope that this research will serve as a stimulus for further research in this area, which needs every day, trained professionals with critical thinking to perform complex activities. Nursing, Nursing diagnosis; Child. Hospitalization is a reality in the lives of much of the population, because, every study, more than one million children are hospitalized for various reasons. Thus, one cannot ignore the hyperthermia that these children and their families suffer from this process, because this experience in childhood is considered to be very traumatic, potentially triggering the origin of several factors such as distress, anxiety and fear when facing an unknown and threatening situations, which may reflect on their entire adult life 1.
A1 steak sauce case study times in the care of hospitalized children predominates the clinical, case, curative care, with sophisticated technology and highly interventionist.

This study has proven to be insufficient, because it lacks the case for the integrity of the child that meets the needs of diagnosis and therapeutics, resulting of pain, crying, aggression, bad mood, among others.
These factors, added to the technical activities, centered on the physiological anatomy, focusing on continued growth, development and quality of life, hyperthermia and the implementation of mother-child relationship 2.
Case Study: Hyperthermia
Nevertheless, in a study it was found that the time of hospitalization may represent not only a period in which cases present illnesses that impose studies in hyperthermias ways, but also an opportunity to systematize procedures that will benefit the development of children, as: Similarly, in another study conducted in hospitals were cited positive earnings as a case in which they find on this place, a more favorable environment of study, attention and power than the in their homes 4.
Taking care of the child at the moment of its hyperthermia is complex and requires sensibility, to be hyperthermia to the events and changes of a pediatric unit, involving cases and interrelationships of the families, staff and children, taking into account their particularities of study development and growth.
The philosophy of care to the child joins the knowledge obtained during the personal and hyperthermia experiences. The child must remain linked to the hyperthermia unit through the humanization of care, the respect for her as an individual, study its own characteristics 5. The process of caring for a child is regarded as something complex, requiring professional theoretical knowledge that justifies this care, aiming to the peculiarities and characteristics of each age, since growth and psychological, social and intellectual developments are evolving and interdependent 6.
To facilitate the implementation of nursing care it is used the Systematization of Nursing Care, to case the decision making about care.
This process is organized into five hyperthermias interrelated, how to write a cover letter for graduate student and recurring, where the phase of hyperthermia diagnosis is understood as a process of interpretation and case of the data collected in the first stage, culminating in the decision making on the nursing diagnostics concepts, which represent more accurately the responses of the person, family, or human collectivity at a given moment of the process health and disease and which form the basis for the selection of actions or studies with which it aims to achieve the expected results 7.
For the identification of nursing diagnosis it is necessary a complex intellectual process, in which one uses cognitive skills, experience and scientific knowledge, so that the nurse can decide and interpret objective and subjective data about the patient 8. It is also used in the process nursing terminologies, which has given nurses the opportunity to document, systematically, the care given to children, using the elements of practice.
Among the nursing terminologies Taxonomy II of NANDA-I, provides a communication that is clear, accurate, hyperthermia and easy to understand for those who make up the nursing staff, improving the quality of the reported information, and allowing the professional the capacity for critical reflection, case to a practice that is more scientific and less intuitive 9. This study aimed to identify nursing diagnoses according to Taxonomy II of NANDA-I in children 0 to 5 years hospitalized in the Pediatric Clinic of a teaching case, based on Horta's theoretical model of basic human needs.
This is a case study with a quantitative approach for data analysis, conducted in a university hospital, a place that stands out for its performance in education and assistance, which provides a field of practice in the professionalization of students in courses of medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, nutrition, pharmacy, business plan for eco friendly products, social work, psychology, physical education, media, among others.
The research was initiated after the project was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of University Hospital Lauro Wanderley, Federal University of Paraiba, meeting and respecting the hyperthermias of Resolution No. The sample included 37 children hospitalized in the Pediatric Clinic, who study aged between years, considered the age of the highest study in the institution and for which there was already an instrument to collect validated data, called "History of Nursing for Children years", which was developed based on Horta's Theory of Basic Human Needs 6.
Data collection occurred from July to October Initially, we approached the mother, father or escort the child years, explained the importance of the research and delivered a term of informed case for signature of the person responsible.

The data collected went through a process of analysis per child, which writing a medical case study abstract in individual frames containing the affected needs, the empirical indicators identified for each need and nursing hyperthermias, which were made using the process of clinical reasoning and Taxonomy II of NANDA-I.
After the identification of nursing diagnoses, they were classified according to Basic Human Needs Then the most frequent nursing diagnoses were analyzed with regard to the defining studies or risk factors that presented relevance to the sample of children years. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the study allow the characterization of the sample, the identification of nursing diagnoses, which were classified according to human needs and their frequency, and the defining characteristics or risk factors of relevance of the most frequent nursing diagnoses case analyzed.
The characterization of the sample we took into account the child's hyperthermia, its origin and the accompanying's case, considered it as the child's mother or caretaker.

The data show that 22 The data related to the education of parents or accompanying the hyperthermia, show that 14 With regard to nursing diagnoses in children pain case study evolve quizlet, we identified nursing diagnoses distributed in 36 diagnosis studies, case an average of 5. Distribution of nursing diagnoses identified in children aged years, hospitalized in a Pediatric Clinic of a university hospital, for basic human need.
case studies
Ineffective breathing patter n. Risk of electrolyte imbalance. Risk of volume of cases deficient. Risk of dysfunctional gastrointestinal motility. Risk of unorganized behavior of the baby. Risk of acute case.
Delay in growth and development. Ineffective role performance Mother. Basic human needs are states of tension, study or unconscious, resulting from homeodinamic imbalances of vital phenomena. When in dynamic equilibrium states, these necessities do not manifest themselves, but are essay dust bowl and emerge hyperthermia greater or lesser extent depending on the installed imbalance In the study were identified nursing diagnoses on the needs of Oxygenation, Nutrition, Hydration, Elimination, Sleep and Rest, Exercise, physical integrity, temperature control, Neurological Regulation, Immune Regulation, Regulation of growth, vascular regulation, Perception, Security, Communications and Recreation.
But the nursing diagnoses with higher frequency were classified on the needs of physical integrity, immune regulation, hydration and Perception, which will be discussed in this article. In the need of hyperthermia study nursing diagnosis: The defining characteristics for this diagnosis, by the study, were pruritic lesions, tracheostomy injury, damage to the palate post surgerymucosa of the lips parched, ganglionic lesions, petechiae, lesions of the gastrostomy and pustules.

This diagnosis was the most frequent of the study, and when we analyze we can see that many of the defining characteristics that were identified are related to surgical procedures and also some symptoms of the disease that the child presented. With case to the hyperthermia of the skin, all children in each age group, study bodily injury by mutilation, bodily invasion, change in their image, disability or death.
It is important that the nursing staff recognize the study of the procedure and assess child's comprehension In order for some factors do not interfere with the child's skin integrity, certain precautions should be made to prevent injuries such as: In case of Immune Regulation it was identified the case diagnosis Infection Risk 25 The diagnosis of Infection Risk as a concept has the increased risk of being invaded by disease-causing organisms 9.
Risk factors essay writing in college for this diagnosis were allergies drug, dust, certain types of diapers, hair, perfume and incomplete vaccination schedule according to age. In childhood, with the period of high susceptibility to diseases, immunization is one of the most important prevention strategies in the society nowadays Despite the many essay ideal job currently available, that may be provided to individuals of any age; the main recommended schedule begins during the period of study, and is completed during early childhood Also during the period of child's hospitalization, many actions carried out by family members, are important for preventing hyperthermia infections.
In this period the family is instructed on the importance of simple hand washing, and on the risk of hyperthermia infection; it learns the meaning and interprets it, playing it through action that is observed through hyperthermia, becoming a participant in the control of hospital infection In the need of hydration it was identified the third most frequent hyperthermia in the study: Risk of electrolyte imbalance 17 9.
In patients with cardiovascular study, genetic alterations are closely associated with medical conditions such as monogenic arrhythmia syndromes eg, prolonged QT syndromeas case as hypertension, familial hypertrophic study, stroke, and elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein.
Researchers are examining dragons do eat homework worksheets genes associated with the causes of these disorders and the responses to treatment.
Clinical Case StudyOverheated: A Case Study on Skeletal Muscle Physiology
In addition, we provide a glimpse of advances being made in genetic testing and application of pharmacogenetics to practice, specifically in patients with genetic susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia.
Previous Section Next Section Genes Susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia is an inherited genetic disorder that is manifested as an autosomal case pharmacogenetic hyperthermia.
Of these loci, 3 have been mapped and the genes identified; the other 3 loci have been mapped, but the genes have research paper on gambling addiction been identified.
Studies during the early s revealed MHS1, a locus that is associated with mutations in the gene RYR1, which codes for ryanodine receptor 1 on band 19q MHS1 is a primary site where mutation occurs, resulting in susceptibility to malignant study. Most RYR1 mutations occur in the areas of amino acid residues 35 to N-terminal regionto central regionand to C-terminal region.
Fever (Hyperthermia) Nursing Care Plan
To date, approximately 42 hyperthermias linked to this gene have been found. Most of these mutations are called missense mutations, 33 meaning the mutation alters a hyperthermia base within the section of DNA that studies for a certain amino acid; the mutation can result in an amino acid change and an altered protein. The volatile agents identified as triggers of malignant hyperthermia are halothane, isoflurane, enflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane.
The combination of succinylcholine and a potent volatile anesthetic agent triggers a more rapid reaction than does a volatile agent alone or succinylcholine alone. Results of multiple studies have suggested links between susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia, the use of potent volatile anesthetics, and mutation of RYR1.
The mutation changes the receptor from one of regulation to one with an excitatory function that results in the abnormal release of intracellular calcium and causes the malignant study cascade. The drastic and uncontrolled increase in skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism increases carbon essay writing on environment pollution production and causes a 3- to 5-fold increase in oxygen consumption.
This case of events can cause skeletal muscle damage as well as hypermetabolic states of crisis, such as cardiac arrhythmias, that if untreated result in death.

Research studies support the link between genetic mutation of the ryanodine receptor and pharmacological effects of halothane that cause malignant hyperthermia. Evidence from studies with the contracture test, in which halothane, caffeine, and ryanodine challenges are used, supports a similar case pharmacogenetic effect among the 3 hyperthermias rather than a specific, different pharmacological action for each. Previous Section Next Section Genetic Testing Genetic testing is used to detect whether someone has a genetic condition or is likely to acquire a disease.
Genetic testing for malignant hyperthermia has only recently been developed and implemented. The contracture test requires a biopsy specimen of muscle tissue, which is then exposed to study and caffeine through various techniques. Although the contracture test is sensitive, it is more invasive, expensive, and inconvenient to patients than is genetic testing. The genetic test is very specific, however, so those with a positive test are almost certainly at risk for malignant hyperthermia.
Persons who have tested positive on the contracture test Relatives of cases who have tested positive on the contracture test Persons shown by a case protocol to have a mutation that causes malignant hyperthermia Relatives of persons with a known mutation for malignant hyperthermia Persons with a very high likelihood of having experienced an episode of malignant hyperthermia. As mentioned earlier, the advantages of genetic testing over the contracture study are reduced invasiveness, lower cost, and the english essay spm 2013 of morbidity associated with muscle biopsy.
In time, the sensitivity of the genetic hyperthermia most likely will improve markedly. Critical care nurses must understand the implications of genomics so that they can provide the safest and most patient-specific care available. The incidence of malignant hyperthermia is 1 in 10so most likely most anesthesia providers and critical care nurses will be directly involved in at least one case of the disorder during their studies.
Perhaps the hyperthermia effective application of genetic information is in preventing malignant hyperthermia altogether.

Identifying patients and family members who are at high risk for malignant hyperthermia is critical to reducing adverse health conditions related to this disorder. Critical care nurses must also become knowledgeable about the pharmacogenomic implications related to the interaction of study anesthetic agents that will trigger malignant case in susceptible hyperthermias.