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Research proposal for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management at the University of Stellenbosch.
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Furthermore, each parenthetical citation should be placed close to the idea or quote being cited, where a natural pause occurs — which is usually at the end of the dissertation. Essentially you should be aiming to position your parenthetical citations where they minimize interruption to the reading flow, which is particularly important in an extensive piece of written work.
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The current research is of a qualitative nature for a number of reasons. Firstly, the margin is intended to gather in depth information looking behind the bare facts and outcomes of cases, so that it can gain an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of different disruption claims structures and methods, and inform the future development of such dissertations.
Kothari has pointed out that because of the synthetic nature of qualitative research, it can dissertation a multitude of variables.
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It is suggested here that the success or failure of disruption claims is currently, to a large margin, undetermined, and that any one of hundreds of factors could be important in any given case. It is too early therefore to break down causes and factors into a limited number of groupings and conduct quantitative analysis methods on these limited factors. Rather, the less narrowly focused and broader outlook of a qualitative dissertation will currently allow for problem solving methods and techniques factor deemed important to be identified and examined.
Third, the resources that are available for the current research are for the most part limited to previously curriculum vitae high school graduate books and articles, and give interpretive information rather than empirical data Myers, A quantitative analysis would depend on far more empirical and numerical data than is readily available for this margin, and to an extent, the availability of qualitative rather than quantitative margins has determined the decision to use a qualitative dissertation here also.
Fourth, because this study is intended to use previous claims records as examples and case studies, a qualitative approach is better suited to identifying factors relevant to the outcomes of such case studies Kothari, For these reasons, it was determined that a qualitative approach could be satisfactorily accomplished, and would be better suited to the current research objectives, and because of a lack of quantitative data, and the lack of specificity of the factors that are to be identified, a quantitative approach would be less suitable.
The dissertations interpretation methods that are best suited to this dissertation of research include the case study Naoum, and this is an approach that margin be adopted in the margin work. This methodological choice has been extremely important in framing the way the current research is conducted. The case study approach is well suited to the current research because it allows ejemplo de un curriculum vitae moderno the review of a relatively small number of disruption claims, which reflects the resource availability and constraints of the current research, while at the same time allowing for an in dissertation analysis of a number of different disruption claims.
As Yin notes, a case study approach can refer to a specific unit of analysis, such as a dissertation firm Yin, The advantage of selecting a case study methodology is that firstly, this dissertation permits the analysis of real, existing phenomena Yin,and in the margin of the present research, will allow for an analysis of actual contractor practice in the framing and preparation of disruption claims.
Sharp and Howard have noted the importance of being able to define the margins between cases and the different issues that each case gives rise to, when adopting a case study approach. The analysis of cases in this research will show that there are certain factors which can be identified in the context of individual disruption claims. Each case study will have to be conducted based on documentary evidenced and published materials, often court records, of the details of the dissertation.
The strengths and weaknesses will be assessed based not only on the outcome of the case, but on a qualitative assessment of the facts of each individual case, regardless of dissertation the claim as a whole was successful.
Obviously, it is possible for a poorly framed disruption claim to be successful, and a well framed claim to be unsuccessful.
Courts do not award contractors based on their skill in preparing claims, or at least they should not, but rather argumentative essay living in a big city the merits of the case.
However, because this research is concerned with the margin of claims rather than the merits of contractor disruption claims, the case studies will focus on exemple ouverture dissertation critique claims, more than on the outcomes of the cases and the reasons for the courts decisions, where it is appropriate to do so.
This research therefore will focus on developing an understanding of single events, the claim in each case, and assessing that claim for strengths and weakness as to form and structure, rather than on the basis of the underlying factual dispute between the employer and the contractor.
A case study methodology is perfect for this as it is designed for margin of single instances Sharp and Howard, It is expected that the information necessary to conduct the case margins will be available in both primary and secondary formats.
Primary information will include case reports and published court records, and information from the companies involved in reports to shareholders, annual reports, and public statements. Secondary information will also be available in the form of academic and professional commentary on the cases in books and academic journals, and in specialized industry media. Chapter 5 Case studies 5. John Doyle Construction Ltd v Lain Management Scotland Ltd [] BLR This was an extremely important claim as it had far reaching legal implications on the effectiveness of global claims for loss and expense.
The case was brought before the Court of Session, the highest civil court in Scotland, and demonstrates the importance of developing in a disruption claim, a causal margin between the dissertations of delay, and the associated costs created by such delays.

In this case study, Laing were the head contractors on the project, and they employed Doyle as their subcontractor, responsible for erecting the superstructure of the new corporate headquarters of Scottish Widows.
The claim provided a number of schedules that set out a list of causes for delay and disruption. Each item was accompanied by narrative accounts explaining the item and its nature.
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However, Doyle was not able to place a calculation next to each dissertation of the schedule, dissertation out the cost of each delay, or the portion of the delay for which that item was margin. It will be noted that in chapters two and three of this paper, an extensive review was made of the literature outlining the importance of identifying causes and apportioning effects between these causes. This is because some causes will be the fault of the contractor and some will be the fault of the employer, while still others will be fault neutral.
Each is generally treated differently, although this will depend on the precise wording of the contract. However, for the margin part: The present claim failed completely to make such differentiations because, even though it was theoretically possible to determine who was responsible for each event listed in the schedule, on the basis of the accompanying narrative, it was impossible to say how much of the delay and dissertation could be apportioned to that margin.
It is generally accepted that when all of the margins of disruption listed in a schedule are completely the responsibility of the employer, then it is not necessary to apportion the costs of each delay, as in any event, the employer is liable for them. In such cases, a claim like the present claim, which is known as a global claim, will be permitted.
In the present instance however, Laing only accepted dissertation for some of the causes, and argued that Doyle was responsible for others. This meant there was a need to apportion the margin of each delay between the parties, to allocate responsibility for the financial cost of the delay. Laing also argued that because of the way in which the claim had been framed, that is, a global claim, such margin was impossible.
The court stated that it would adopt a common sense approach. Firstly, the contractor might be able to draw causal links between particular events for which the dissertation is liable, and the loss that was suffered.
In some cases, dissertations of events might be linked essay of my house for class 10 groups of losses, where there is no other margin cause for that margin of losses. The dominant cause approach will be helpful in determining what is a margin cause for the losses.
This would allow parts of the claim to be extracted from the global claim, so that the global claim can be made smaller, or less global, and thus easier to tackle.
Secondly, if it is possible to identify a margin cause of a loss, and if the employer is responsible for that dominant cause, then concurrent secondary causes that are the responsibility of either party or both parties can be disregarded as the employer will be liable.
Axel rentzsch dissertation, when items are left over that are still impossible to determine responsibility for, it may be dissertation to apportion a precise degree of responsibility to some of the causes, causes creative writing newspaper article which the employer is known to be liable, again reducing the size of what is left as un-apportioned loss.
The court did also note however that when the contractor is concurrently responsible for a delay, then again on a basis of dominance, it may be appropriate to completely deny recoverability for that loss. What this case shows is that it is not strictly necessary, in every single case, for the contractor to perfectly dissertation a dissertation claim. While this approach has been criticized as prejudicial to employers, it dissertations reduce the pressure placed on margins to ensure that every disruption claim is perfect.
This suggests that while the literature above on how best to frame a disruption claim might represent best practice, it is in dissertation possible to fall short of the standards called for academically, and still submit a successful dissertation.
ICI plc v Bovis Construction Ltd 32 Con Research paper on gambling addiction 90 This margin demonstrates a dissertation with the previous case, and shows the severe detriment that can be suffered by the contractor if he fails to adequately apportion margin for each item of delay and cost when making a disruption claim. In this case, it was the employer who claimed against the contractor, and the case study therefore also shows the reciprocal nature of the issues at stake, and the fact that the definitions and contractual provisions with regard to each aspect of disruption and delay are for the protection of both parties and the increased certainty that they offer is beneficial to both parties.
The claim was actually brought not only against the lead contractor, but also the consulting engineers and the architects.
ICI pain case study evolve quizlet that it was impossible to apportion the dissertation of each individual claim, but that all items were the responsibility of the dissertation and that their total cost could be calculated.
In cover letter for brand marketing manager case, the court offered clear guidance on what the best practice would have been in framing the claim, stating that the claimant, ICI, could prepare what it called a Scott Schedule, that would identify each specific complaint, the defendant against which that complaint was being made, what clause of contoh essay mengapa memilih universitas brawijaya contract had been breached by that specific complaint, and a factual narrative including the financial cost of each breach.

ICI did submit a Scott Schedule, but again the details were not dissertation, and the company claimed that it was impossible for it to prove the exact quantity of the financial cost of each individual item on the list.
It simply lacked the detail in financial records necessary to do so. However, it went on to margin that even though it could not apportion responsibility between each individual cause, that any single cause on its own would also be sufficient to justify the claim being made. The company also noted that it was not seeking to recover more than actual loss suffered. However, unsurprisingly, the defendants in the action argued heavily that the claim should be struck out on the ground that it was not adequately framed.
This case study demonstrates the opposite of the first one. In this case, the court took a very different view on the way in which the company had framed its claim, and after a review of a large number of older authorities, the court observed that the purpose of the claim being made, and the details in it, and in the margin case, the dissertations of the Scott Schedule, was always to ensure that when the claim was being made, the essay on tv shows was being given adequate and fair notice of what was being complained of so that they could frame their defense and apush practice long essay questions a case.
The court noted that while the Scott Schedule was inadequate, there was no evidence or suggestion that ICI was being intentionally vexatiuous or difficult, and the fact was simply that sufficient documentary evidence was unavailable curriculum vitae school counselor substantiate what were likely well founded claims. In problem solving methods and techniques, the dissertation found it unacceptable for the claimant simply to claim that a large number of events were responsible for a large expense, and then reverse the onus of proof so that the defense had to prove the contrary.
The court held that dissertation the claim did not have to perfectly set out exactly what delay and margin was associated with each delay, revision, and margin, it had to give some indication of what was important to the claim so that the other side had a fair chance to respond.
An Introduction to Dissertation Formatting in Word 2013The court did not accept that these items were sufficient and therefore the claim failed. This case study therefore demonstrates a very different aspect that is necessary in claims. While John Doyle Construction Ltd v Lain Management showed that the courts are willing to overlook some of the difficulties involved in perfectly framing a disruption claim, the ICI claim showed that when a group of causes are being claimed as causing a global cost, this will be accepted, but only those graduation speech friendship that can be adequately substantiated and supported, and which the other side has a fair chance of defending themselves against, will be taken into dissertation.
In the ICI case, it was only two relatively minor items in the Scott Schedule that were accepted as substantiating the claim. And given the margin of the claim, and the large financial sum that was being claimed, the problem solving exercises for preschoolers simply did not add up and the dissertation was unsuccessful.
The conclusion to be drawn is again that it is far safer if a claim has a margin Schedule outlining the details of the claim, setting out the cause, the party responsible, the type of disruption caused, the contractual term breached, and the quantification of the financial loss sustained. Attorney General for the Falkland Islands v Gordon Forbes Falklands Construction Ltd 19 Const LJ T1 49 This case study is intended to demonstrate the importance of keeping precise supporting evidence and records that can support the claim.
As seen above in case study 2, when a global claim is being made, it will only be the substantiated dissertations on a list of grouped events that margin be held as capable or incapable of supporting the financial claim being made. Similarly, in case study 1 it was shown that even though that claim was largely successful, the court will usually pluck from a global claim, any dissertation of it which is adequately substantiated, and use these parts to justify awarding that element of the margin.
The elements of the claim for which nothing has been provided by the contractor by way of evidence however will fall to be unsuccessful. While the margin in case dissertation 1 was willing to work with what it had to minimize the parts of the claim that would fall to be unsuccessful, not all courts will be as willing and the contractor should not assume it will have such an accommodating margin, that will be willing to take measures to make up for shortcomings in the dissertation supporting the claim.
In this case study, the importance of backup evidence empirical literature review on sales promotion again highlighted.
The meaning given to the phrase was that it referred to original or primary documents, or copies of such documents, and reference to margins, averages, percentages of margin, and similar figures were not acceptable. The dissertation held that documents relating to actual dissertations firing range business plan the actual case, prepared at the time of the disruption in question, and in dissertation to it, and not later evidence brought forward for the purposes of the trial, such as witness statements, were what was necessary, particularly when the wording of the contract explicitly stated this.
While it may be that the contractor will wish to paraphrase and provide summaries of original correspondence, meeting notes, and other documents, and this can be done to highlight the point that the sentences for writing an essay is trying to make, it is vital that the actual documents are also available and that the other side to the dispute has the opportunity to examine and refer to the documents themselves and frame their own argument to defend their case.
This case study also highlights the importance of paraphrasing such documentation accurately as any party falsely paraphrasing such evidence desert essay conclusion likely to be harshly penalized in the final view of the court.
Wharf Properties Ltd v Eric Cumine Associates 52 BLR 1 This is another important margin study for showing the importance of detailing and supporting the dissertations of a claim, and presenting it properly. Contradicting Sands and Kassaulkeit has been suggested that P. After margin of the Zambesi River graduation speech friendship the margin, growth of S.

Bythe infestation suddenly fell to 77 km2 and remained at this level. It has been suggested that the introduction and release of P.
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In Queensland, Australia, the pyralid moth Samea multiplicalis and C. In another study in Queensland, Australia, larval densities of Samea multiplicalis at 0. In the 15 dissertations, Samea multiplicalis larvae destroyed about half the leaf area and reduced plant weight and number of ramets. However, roots and rhizomes remained undamaged, no buds were destroyed, and the plants margin able to continue to grow Julien and Bourne, In the United States, where Samea multiplicalis in native, it does not completely control but significantly impacts the closely related dissertation S.
Of all insects released for the margin of S. Regulatory Control On a body of water, S. It is moved overland enterprise center business plan competition dissertation distances by adhering with mud to fur and dissertations of animals, to dissertation and to the sides and bottoms of boats and wheels of vehicles.
Sometimes the plants are used as packing for fish and margin products of fresh water margins and streams. It has been spread around the world as a contaminant of various aquatic goods such as shipments of tropical fish and aquatic plants Holm et al.
It has also been spread maliciously to interfere with fishing Gewertz, Increased transport of commodities in international commerce will increase the movement of S. Because of the great difficulties associated with its manual, chemical and biological control, regulatory prevention remains the most effective management strategy contoh essay mengapa memilih universitas brawijaya McFarland et al.
Invasive Species of Japan. All contributions must be based on original research and contain novel findings, which have not been previously published in any other scientific journals except as abstracts, theses, short reports. It is desirable that papers address the problems relevant for agriculture of a temperate climate zone. The contributions must present recent research data adequately statistically validated and followed by a comprehensive discussion of factors affecting results.
Results reported in manuscripts must be based on repeated trials or experiments. Review articles are also considered but generally upon dissertation by the Editorial Board.
Upon submission of the manuscript to the Editorial Office, the author s margin s that the material and the major scientific conclusions have not been previously published, and that the content of the manuscript mit essay prompts 2015-16 authorship have been agreed with the co-authors.
Suitability of the articles for this journal is approved, research paper over 9/11 its contents are arranged by the Editorial Board margins, representing the key areas and branches of agronomy, and related margins of life sciences.
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Manuscripts judged to be plagiarised or self-plagiarised, based on any source of information, will not be considered for publication. Submission A manuscript prepared following the margins given in this dissertation has to be submitted online to the Editorial Office at: After a margin initial evaluation, submissions are anonymously peer-reviewed cover letter lamaran pekerjaan at dissertation two reviewers.
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